Do you believe? ... .... In GOTAN?


Permanently relocated
Should be self explanatory so whats your station concerning it?
What is gotan? The music group?

It's that point where God tells you to do something but you'd rather go to the Cancún beaches instead... aka Jonah got eaten by a whale before he wanted to help the Babylonians at all, lol.
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It's that point where God tells you to do something but you'd rather go to the Cancún beaches instead... aka Jonah got eaten by a whale before he wanted to help the Babylonians at all, lol.

Well, God sent Jonah to preach. He didn't want to and tried to sell away. So God sent a storm and then the fish to eat him and would have left him down there if he didn't decide to become a preacher. Its pretty harsh imo.
It is my thought that if God were real and Satan was as well, they are really one and the same. So I thought of a name to best exemplify it, that being Gotan.

Hmmm... I was slightly intoxicated when I posted this. I just wanted to see if the idea was gaining ground yet or not.
well I'm glad to see your self imposed exile has been short lived.
He hath come back from the mountain with a message of love and pain from GOTAN
well I'm glad to see your self imposed exile has been short lived.

Thats yet to come. In the process of moving, the 28th or so you will start to see less of me.

Glad to see your keeping tabs. ;)
Yesterday I saw this. Clearly a sign from Gotan.
The Goat of Mendes is a real thing, so is the Bay-a-Goatee.

They are demiurge.

The idea that there is not a manichean God and Satan is long standing, the Christian religion and the abrahamic religions dont suppose that the idea of God and Satan in perpetual, even matched struggle, that's an earlier idea from Zoroastarianism.

Satan was in the service of God in the old testament, perhaps a side or facet of God, perhaps an angel playing a role, the role which is called the "devil's advocate" today, Satan means "adversary", there's instances in the new testament of Jesus accusing others of "acting the Satan", its the literal translation of when he says "get behind me Satan" to his disciple (I cant remember which right now).

So it is perhaps a role that is played rather than an entity incarnate, although on the other hand the as many great thinkers have indicated and the movie the usual suspects used the greatest trick that the devil ever did was persuading people he didnt exist.

Ultimately, I believe, that even if Satan has God like powers in this world, the temporal, material world, its limited, its limited to this life, unless someone is fool enough to forfeit their soul somehow.
The Goat of Mendes is a real thing, so is the Bay-a-Goatee.

They are demiurge.

The idea that there is not a manichean God and Satan is long standing, the Christian religion and the abrahamic religions dont suppose that the idea of God and Satan in perpetual, even matched struggle, that's an earlier idea from Zoroastarianism.

Satan was in the service of God in the old testament, perhaps a side or facet of God, perhaps an angel playing a role, the role which is called the "devil's advocate" today, Satan means "adversary", there's instances in the new testament of Jesus accusing others of "acting the Satan", its the literal translation of when he says "get behind me Satan" to his disciple (I cant remember which right now).

So it is perhaps a role that is played rather than an entity incarnate, although on the other hand the as many great thinkers have indicated and the movie the usual suspects used the greatest trick that the devil ever did was persuading people he didnt exist.

Ultimately, I believe, that even if Satan has God like powers in this world, the temporal, material world, its limited, its limited to this life, unless someone is fool enough to forfeit their soul somehow.
How does one forfeit their soul? I have no issue doing this. Hey Satan errr...umm gotan if you want my soul its yours. Have fun.
How does one forfeit their soul? I have no issue doing this. Hey Satan errr...umm gotan if you want my soul its yours. Have fun.

I have no problem believing that.
Above sign from gotan though he doesnt spell well