Do you believe in Religion or God for that matter?

Do you believe in God?

  • I believe in religion and god

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • I dont believe in religion but I do believe in god

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • I dont believe in religion or god

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • If there was a god smiffy wouldnt spell this bad!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I believe that religion as a conglomerate is a farce at best. It's an organized joke. people have taken something that God designed to be something beautiful and screwed it all up. This angers me deeply. The people in authority in most organized "religion" are single handedly responsible for turning off more people to the truth than helping. ITS A JOKE!!! Religion as a whole is pathetic. It sickens me. disgusting.

I very much believe that 2000 ish years ago, a Gallelean peasant named Jesus claimed to be the Son of the Living God, and proved it by rising from the dead.

C.S. Lewis put it this way: Jesus is one of three things, A Liar, A Lunatic, or he was that who he said he was. (paraphrased)

I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Also, that Jesus as God's son came to this earth, lived a model self-less life and was murdered by us (humanity) in order to make a connection between God the Father and us as humans. That there is no other way to make any connection to the Living God except through relationship with Jesus the Christ.

So yeah, I'm a bit of a Jesus freak. Let the ridicule ensue.
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So yeah, I'm a bit of a Jesus freak. Let the ridicule ensue.

It won't happen, under 2 conditions.

1. You don't poke the TP's (although it can happen unprovoked).

2. You don't try to tell someone that their religious view is wrong, or you try to force yours on anyone.

So long as you don't do either of those, your views are more then welcome :D
Region keeps you happy and content and often in the dark.

For me that didn't work. I'm now agnostic and frankly I don't care weather god exists or not. I don't need some force to make me be who I am or to live by a moral code. Frankly I don't think god exits. I see no point.

I'm a very spiritual person that is true.

Deities are just the desire for humanity to have a easily defined purpose and focused life. When we can't expect the realities of life and existence.

Many of the best arguments (philosophy) revolve around the belief that god is the highest thing to be conceived or god as the answer to hard and complex questions. Becasue lets face it god is the easier answer. But I don't think its the correct answer.

I agree with you .
For me the word 'god' is more a metaphore for the universe.If there really is a god in the true sense of the word that no one knows .
I'm American Orthodox btw, (dont remember if I put that in this thread yet :P). I really enjoy pretty much everything about my religion and am a fan off organized religion and I dont get why everyone is so against it.
I believe that religion as a conglomerate is a farce at best. It's an organized joke. people have taken something that God designed to be something beautiful and screwed it all up. This angers me deeply. The people in authority in most organized "religion" are single handedly responsible for turning off more people to the truth than helping. ITS A JOKE!!! Religion as a whole is pathetic. It sickens me. disgusting.

I very much believe that 2000 ish years ago, a Gallelean peasant named Jesus claimed to be the Son of the Living God, and proved it by rising from the dead.

C.S. Lewis put it this way: Jesus is one of three things, A Liar, A Lunatic, or he was that who he said he was. (paraphrased)

I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Also, that Jesus as God's son came to this earth, lived a model self-less life and was murdered by us (humanity) in order to make a connection between God the Father and us as humans. That there is no other way to make any connection to the Living God except through relationship with Jesus the Christ.

So yeah, I'm a bit of a Jesus freak. Let the ridicule ensue.

Heh, that's almost the same as my view. But I believe you can have a relationship if you can call it that, with God without Jesus, however it is much harder, and people of this day and age may not be spiritual enough to even accomplish this.

But yeah, apparently Jesus was an INFJ :p
I'm American Orthodox btw, (dont remember if I put that in this thread yet :P). I really enjoy pretty much everything about my religion and am a fan off organized religion and I dont get why everyone is so against it.

That + your sig = lol :D
It won't happen, under 2 conditions.

1. You don't poke the TP's (although it can happen unprovoked).

2. You don't try to tell someone that their religious view is wrong, or you try to force yours on anyone.

So long as you don't do either of those, your views are more then welcome :D

Nice to know! BTW, I'm not interested in forcing my views on anyone. I don't appreciate that myself. I will entertain and discuss others views quite freely. I'm interested to see if anyone has a better way to the creator God than through Jesus. I haven't found that yet, and it seems to all the more substantiate His point.

Sithious said:
Heh, that's almost the same as my view. But I believe you can have a relationship if you can call it that, with God without Jesus, however it is much harder, and people of this day and age may not be spiritual enough to even accomplish this.

But yeah, apparently Jesus was an INFJ :p

I'd like to PM with you about your statement of having right relationship with God w/o Jesus. But only if your interested.

I have reason to believe that Jesus was INFJ + all the rest of the types. His situational responses differ greatly in every instance of contact, however still carry out one central theme. This is quite fascinating to me. Look at His carachter in depth, you'll see what im getting at. This is one more aspect of Jesus that makes Him stand out like a sore thumb. :D
It won't happen, under 2 conditions.

1. You don't poke the TP's (although it can happen unprovoked).

2. You don't try to tell someone that their religious view is wrong, or you try to force yours on anyone.

So long as you don't do either of those, your views are more then welcome :D
You're a bastard. I like the religious wars.
Nice to know! BTW, I'm not interested in forcing my views on anyone. I don't appreciate that myself. I will entertain and discuss others views quite freely. I'm interested to see if anyone has a better way to the creator God than through Jesus. I haven't found that yet, and it seems to all the more substantiate His point.

I'd like to PM with you about your statement of having right relationship with God w/o Jesus. But only if your interested.

I have reason to believe that Jesus was INFJ + all the rest of the types. His situational responses differ greatly in every instance of contact, however still carry out one central theme. This is quite fascinating to me. Look at His carachter in depth, you'll see what im getting at. This is one more aspect of Jesus that makes Him stand out like a sore thumb. :D

PM away, I'd love some input on the matter
Yes, and I really don't. We all saw how productive the crusades were.
Yes, and I really don't. We all saw how productive the crusades were.

You've seen it with your own eyes? Amazing. You must be old.
I'm incredibly ancient. I was old when Carthage was sacked. I was ancient when Rome and Byzantine fought over who would rule Christendom. My name is myth to the people of the steppes, and was legend to the Teuton's.
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