do you "believe" in UFO's

Do You Believe In UFO's

  • I do Believe in UFO's. (they are real)

    Votes: 38 66.7%
  • I do not Believe in UFO's (it is not happening)

    Votes: 19 33.3%

  • Total voters
Which could exist perhaps billions of light years away. You know the type of places that would take, 1 million years to travel to. This is why cannot fully dismiss the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the known and unknown universe. But the other side of my brain says, in this local cluster of galaxies, maybe we are the only intelligent life forms. Even for super intelligent alien life forms, having to travel for 1 million years to get to us, even with time and space bending, it would still be an amazing accomplishment.
I relate. My brain thought about the technology to even step into this task isn't foreseeable soon. I then thought the time, effort and resources should be spent on renewable energy, solving hunger, reducing/eliminating climate control and establishing universal healthcare. Then I thought about why do I spend time talking about this on a MBTI forum. Then I thought I should finish my last to do item for today.

What I'd actually do? I went to the pantry for a snack.
I relate. My brain thought about the technology to even step into this task isn't foreseeable soon. I then thought the time, effort and resources should be spent on renewable energy, solving hunger, reducing/eliminating climate control and establishing universal healthcare. Then I thought about why do I spend time talking about this on a MBTI forum. Then I thought I should finish my last to do item for today.

What I'd actually do? I went to the pantry for a snack.
Sounds like success to me. lol
I have no reason to believe that extra terrestrial life doesn't exist.

I've actually seen an ufo, and so has my grandmother in 2 unrelated incidents in completely different countries and over 30 years apart.

I also have had dreams and visions in which i feel that I'm interacting with other life forms. It never feels weird when this happens.
Some of my past life memories are of other worlds and forms.
I think that there are many on Earth that have been elsewhere. And I'm certain that we have been visited many times in many ways. And in the future, i'm certain that people will take all this for granted. These are not things i believe, they are beyond belief
I’m pretty certain that people are seeing UFO’s - that’s not the same as saying that UFO’s are alien spacecraft. They could be a combination of any number of different things as well:
  • Rare meteorological phenomena
  • Our own aerial devices
  • Animals evolved on other worlds to live in space - including what we’d think of as robotic animal life.
  • Visitors from our own future
  • Astronomical objects such as meteors behaving unusually
  • Something akin to ghosts, fairies, angels
  • A confusion of dreams with reality (not uncommon I’ve found)
  • Hoaxes
  • Involuntary fantasies
  • Fire balloons and other fireworks
  • Metaphors and symbols
  • Avatars from the living universal spirit come to save us from ourselves.
Could be any or none of these.
Sadly most of the time it’s usually this or like you said, weather phenomena. As I get older, it’s harder to believe cause of the law of averages.
So I watch a lot of ghost caught on video stuff and one of my fave ghost hunters has admitted they do it for entertainment. Which was code for what you seeing is not real. And that got me thinking, there have been trillions of dead humans throughout history and that would make for a lot of ghost sightings, anyone with a brain could deduce that we should be encountering ghosts on a weekly basis, especially considering the history of suffering on these continents.
We should be seeing more ghosts, all of us. Just like we should all have seen a UFO by now. I personally have never seen any, I thought for sure I’d see some in Central America as I spent a lot of time outside at night there. I saw a few things streak across the sky but never an aircraft or triangle vehicle. So the more I look into stuff, the more Hoaxes I find regarding both ghosts and ufo’s. Us empaths should be seeing ghosts left and right.
Sadly most of the time it’s usually this or like you said, weather phenomena.
I'm sure some of the sightings are hoaxes. I'm sure too that a lot of people are sincere in saying they have seen a UFO - but the emphasis is on the Unidentified surely, so goodness only knows what the sightings were. I suspect the majority, if not all, have unusual but boring natural explanations.

My own favourite explanation of any that are possibly left unaccounted for is that they are coming from our future, which is one explanation for their bizarre behaviour. It's no more far fetched than the idea that we are being visited by aliens from other worlds who take the trouble and expense of getting here (must be vast) but then hide - apart from frightening folks on dark lonely roads, spooking our planes, putting on weird aerial displays, etc.

I'm quite taken by Jung's own ideas on UFOs where he compares them to aerial phenomena in ages gone by that seem to be similar in some respects, but with different contemporary explanations. Quite a few of these accounts do have the feel of subconscious mythmaking.
I don't even believe in infjs
We are but figments of your imagination.

Also. I'm of the firm belief that if it happened here, it had to have happened elsewhere. Sentient life, that is.
taken by Jung's own ideas on UFOs where he compares them to aerial phenomena in ages gone by that seem to be similar in some respects, but with different contemporary explanations. Quite a few of these accounts do have the feel of subconscious mythmaking.
:P ;) It's on my bucket list to visit Area 57.
For years I was in love with a physically beautiful woman. ( I wish I knew her MBTI). Now she teaches Tia Massage. She is, and was very much a hippy and new ager, in the best sense. She was my "go to" person when I needed to finally get a place to myself as I approached my late twenties (i.e. no roommates) and then, when that most excellent pad was sold to developers, she hooked me up with a Quonset hut in the foothills west of Boulder which belonged to the man she had been with for the past few years. The place needed a little work before I could move in and I was helping the man, Jufree, with some repairs. He was also a hard core hippy and new ager, and was almost a decade older than me. He was an N.D. which is some kinda wholistic medicine practitioner. ( I, in my jealousy, told folks that it meant " not a Doctor")
At any rate, it was a great place, at a good rent, and he was not evil incarnate. So as we worked he told me a lot of stuff about his life. Things that related to the place, his first marriage, his kid, living in a school bus on the land before he bought the Quonset from C.U.... I liked him. He was genial and earnest and told stories that related to my paternal instincts.
Finally, after a day or two of working together we were done, and then he told me this story. Years earlier he was working with some famous UFO abductee researcher who was based in Boulder. They were interviewing folks who claimed to be abducted by UFOs and also putting them into hypnotic trances to further the investigation. One subject, under hypnosis, revealed that the Aliens realized that she was incapable of communicating with them so they placed a subconscious message in her mind with instructions on how an individual, who was more prepared to deal with them, could contact them.
Having heard this he could not resist attempting the technique. He retreated to his Quonset out in the forested hills west of Boulder and, alone, did "the thing", and waited. He waited several days, but nothing happened, so he figured she was either misinformed or misaligned and let it go. In the interim his brother had come to town looking for a place to stay so Jufree gave him the Quonset and went back into town to the house he shared with his wife and child.
Sure enough, as the brother slept one night up there, the Aliens came. The brother was horrified, reporting that they were "grotesque" and the whole experience was like a nightmare. Jufree surmised that his brother was unprepared for what was happening and that he should have realized that the Alien's timing would be very different from ours.
When he finished the story I said something like, wow, cool story, and then he said " I have told that story to a lot of people and you are the first person who did not ask me what the technique is to summon the Aliens"
I was polite and asked him how to summon the Aliens and he told me that he couldn't tell because it was just too dangerous.
Up until that point in my life I was very open minded about UFO sightings and the possibility of the reality of extraterrestrials visiting the earth. I had recently read Jung's take on disc sightings. After hearing Jufree's story I was convinced that the whole UFO thing was a switch and bait for "God" and "Angels"(Not that I am positing that they don't exist here, but that I was having issues with their existence.)
I didn't ask him how to contact the Aliens because I had concluded that his story, regardless of what he believed, could not possibly be true, I did not believe. Period.
While I still believe that Jufree was lying I have come to the conclusion that we humans are being visited and manipulated (perhaps for good perhaps for bad) by non human intelligencies, some of whom make use of physically manifesting "crafts". The work of Jacques Vallee , Dana Pasulka, Leslie Kean and the riveting report of Jack Stuart have changed my mind..
Even after the UFO hearings in the USA, nobody looks at the long and extensive research on UFOs in Brazil. Brazil has had the most UFO sightings in history, dating back scaling hundreds of years. One of the stories that always gets me is the 1946 Joao Preses Filho incident.

Here's a short summary of what happened:

"Electricity was yet to reach Araçariguama, and it is easy to imagine Joao returning home in the darkness, perhaps with the sounds of the festival floating through the warm evening air. When he arrived back home, he soon realized his predicament. He managed to climb into his house through an open window. This is where it gets weird. He was standing in his home aware of an unusual presence. He turned to the window where his eye was immediately drawn to a glowing object in the night sky. He was hit by a burning beam of light. Covering his face with his hands, he dropped to his knees. Though it only lasted for a moment, the effects would be catastrophic....The man was badly burned from the waist up, with the exception of the hair on his head. Joao was agonisingly conscious throughout his ordeal, talking to the sheriff, though he was having problems with his tongue. Eyewitnesses to Joao injuries spoke of 'meat that has been allowed to boil for a while'. His hair, clothing and feet were unscathed by the burning, but his feet were cut to ribbons from his barefoot escape from his house - cut by the jagged rocks between his own house and his sister’s...Baffled doctors were unable to diagnose Joao and it was decided that all they could do for him was to keep him comfortable...Parts of his face were peeling off and whole chunks of flesh were falling away, exposing bright white bone and tendons beneath. His final act was to ask his new orderly friend for a glass of water. At 10pm that evening, Joao Prestes Filho died. The death was officially listed simply as 'cardiac collapse'...Something had happened to Joao, for the nephew did report darkened skin from the waist up ‘like he had been burned. Joao Prestes Filho died from injuries that he claimed came from a beam of light shot from a UFO."

There's also the Varginha UFO incident in 1996.