I'd hope to live to at least 75 in good health. After that, so be it.
I don't see technology doing much in the next long while to prolong life any longer than 100, mostly because of the difficulty to cure or treat brain illnesses.
As for youthful looks, I'd like to look and be as healthy as I can, but as I grow older I'm willing to accept the inevitable gray hairs, lost hairs, wrinkles, etc..that's life.
I mainly hope to be a naturally healthy, naturally-aged looking man. After about 60 or so I probably won't care about sex much, so then I'll just focus on retaining my ability to hold my poo until I reach the toilet...or should I say the 'Urine and Fecal Matter Eradicator Tube', as it will most likely be called in the future - The Ufmet.
"Who shit all over the Ufmet? Was it you again, Grampa?"
"Yeah it was me. Do you mind zapping it off with the Lazer Wiper, sonny? Thanks so much.."
Downtime at work makes me type stupid things.