Do you Catastrophize?

The expression is actually, "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."

That expression is pretty much my motto.

I think I used to catastrophize a lot when I was younger. But I've a trained myself not to. So I don't do it anymore. These days, I do analyze the worst possible outcome and what steps I would take should that happen. But I don't automatically jump to the conclusion that the worst case scenario is true.
I think there is a definate difference between understanding the full impact of given scenerios and believing they must or will happen. I always look at everything and make plans if A or B should happen. The difference is probably the emotional element. I don't invest emotional energy in presuming certain outcomes will happen, rather I see it as anticipating all given outcomes and formulating a response. Of course strategy must always be evaluated on a semi-continuous basis which doesn't leave much time for working thru various levels of emotional activity.