Do you consider yourself to be a complex person?

I was thinking about this today, because I was reading over an INFJ profile and a close friend of mine saw I was looking at it and asked if she could read it. And she saw the bit about complicated and mystic (which, fair enough I don't have any mystical powers so I can see why she disagreed with that bit) and said I don't really think that's much like you. She agreed with the people pleaser bit and the empathetic bit but not with the multi-layered. I think in this way, my grandparents, who are ISFJ think that I relate well with them as well, and don't think I'm very complex, because I like to chat with them about S related topics and gossip etc. I get the impression that, because I can relate to lots of different types of people, and obviously when I am talking to them I suppose I act like them too, well then they assume that I am like them. So if everybody only sees one side of my personality then people assume there is not much depth to me. This is a bit odd for me because i know there is so much swimming around in my head but it doesnt appear that way to most people around me. The only people who do recognise the complexity is my sister (INTJ) and the people I have gone out with (INTJ and INTP). But this is probably because these are the only people I have opened up to.
I think people are labeled as complex when they are not understood or they may try to cultivate that label by acting mysterious or secretive. I also think people would want to be viewed as complex because it would make people view them as "deep", whereas people who are simple and straight forward might be labeled as shallow for whatever reason. Labeling yourself as complex might make you more interesting in a superficial way. What I mean is that others would always be searching for that "other side" of you that makes you who you are. If that other side actually exisits is another matter.

Sometimes randomness or unpredictabliity might make a person viewed as complex. Also being complex is not necessarilly a good thing IMO.
I think people are labeled as complex when they are not understood or they may try to cultivate that label by acting mysterious or secretive. I also think people would want to be viewed as complex because it would make people view them as "deep", whereas people who are simple and straight forward might be labeled as shallow for whatever reason. Labeling yourself as complex might make you more interesting in a superficial way. What I mean is that others would always be searching for that "other side" of you that makes you who you are. If that other side actually exisits is another matter.

Sometimes randomness or unpredictabliity might make a person viewed as complex. Also being complex is not necessarilly a good thing IMO.

People also can be complex when they don't understand themselves.

Before the brain injury I think I was a much more complex person; of course I was a lot smarter too, which probably had something to do with it. Since the cerebral hemorrhage, I think I've become much simpler. Whether it's a good thing or not, I have no idea.
i'm a complex person.
i feel that i think differently from most other people [in regards to reacting in situations..etc.]
i'm on a life mission to discover the connections between all the seeming contradictions in my self. [i'm about 80% there]
i'm a multi-faceted person in terms of interests, talents.
and i surprise even myself sometimes. @-@
I don't think I am very complex. I think that is a hard question and what does being complex mean. I have had many experiences that many people around me haven't had and I have researched many things that others have not. I keep a lot of myself private. But I think everyone has the same experience. I have not experienced so much that sometimes I seem lacking.

I don't view myself as complex, but maybe I am.
I understand what you're saying about others simply using the term to describe individuals who are different. However, I don't see complex as a negative term, and yes, I do proudly consider myself a complex person. As the MB description so accurately describes, I have an 'intricately woven, mysterious personality which sometimes puzzles even me.'

Of course, no one is ever really simple. But I know because of my type, I handle the world in a very unique combination of ways... and the extent of complexity is much greater.
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I only assume I'm complex ,because sometimes it can be hard for me to understand myself and also for others to understand me. I feel as if I have all these layers inside me that can all be played on the inside at once ,but in the physical world only one can be there at a time. So maybe I come off as being a bit of an enigma to others. If any of this makes sense. :m075:
I consider everyone to be complex in their own unique way. Self awareness begins a process of unraveling this complexity. One may think of one's self as being simple if one limits one's self to familiar habit patterns. In inquiring as why and what motivates one in these habit patterns, one begins to see subtleties of one's self and the complexity becomes more and more illuminated.
I consider everyone to be complex in their own unique way. Self awareness begins a process of unraveling this complexity. One may think of one's self as being simple if one limits one's self to familiar habit patterns. In inquiring as why and what motivates one in these habit patterns, one begins to see subtleties of one's self and the complexity becomes more and more illuminated.

this is very well put!

i also think that as more of this awareness is realized, we begin to see more inconsistencies revealed in the layers of our identity that allow us to perceive ourselves as rather complicated.
the more i introspect and try to understand myself the more complex i feel. on the other hand, when i'm stressed and do things rashly without forethought, i surprise myself later on in reflection and feel rather complicated.
The simple complexities of life...
I think that humans in general are a complex species, but I also think that more specifically INFJs are more complex than other people.

I was thinking about this today, because I was reading over an INFJ profile and a close friend of mine saw I was looking at it and asked if she could read it. And she saw the bit about complicated and mystic (which, fair enough I don't have any mystical powers so I can see why she disagreed with that bit) and said I don't really think that's much like you. She agreed with the people pleaser bit and the empathetic bit but not with the multi-layered. I think in this way, my grandparents, who are ISFJ think that I relate well with them as well, and don't think I'm very complex, because I like to chat with them about S related topics and gossip etc. I get the impression that, because I can relate to lots of different types of people, and obviously when I am talking to them I suppose I act like them too, well then they assume that I am like them. So if everybody only sees one side of my personality then people assume there is not much depth to me. This is a bit odd for me because i know there is so much swimming around in my head but it doesnt appear that way to most people around me. The only people who do recognise the complexity is my sister (INTJ) and the people I have gone out with (INTJ and INTP). But this is probably because these are the only people I have opened up to.

Yea, because we relate well to certain people, they think they understand us, but we are much deeper than that. We can relate well to and understand many different types of people, but only the people who we fully open up to can see our many different sides. We are the rarest and most multifaceted personality type. Honestly, I am a pretty humble person, but I feel like I have a complexity and intuition that is higher than other peoples. Is it possible that most people feel like this and I judge too harshly?
Yes, although I often act on a superficial level to make things easier for people and leave them less confused by what I have to say, which is therefore very little.
Hm... I believe that because of the fact that everyone has their own unique life to lead our lives cause our characters to become complex. Every day of life adds layers, and no one is ever completely understood because of it.

That being said, I feel like the core of a person never really changes, it only becomes more developed and concrete with time. Some people will always see things in an absolute, and for lack of a better word, simple nature. While others will constantly analyze and dig into everything in order to "see" more clearly. It's just the nature of the beast, in the end, I guess.

If that is the complex in question, then I suppose yes, people would consider me complex because I normally come to conclusions, and relating to things differently than most.

But like was previously stated, people tend to put labels like complex and different on things they just can not understand.

I think that the more layers to a person the harder it is to understand them and most people get tired of trying only a few layers in. That is why straightforward is considered by many to be the best approach, and maybe they're right, but what would life be without a little mystery?

I digress...
"I am amorphous. Most people I try to understand are amorphous. While knowing nothing; all things congeal into simplicity like meaningless plastic melted on the asphalt in the city heat." I lean down and utter this very statement to a man sitting in the coffee shop every morning on the way to work. Then I tip my cap, click my heels in the air and press on my automaton way.
How's that for complex?

Real talk now. Yes. Everyone is complex. Everyone is an entire hidden universe.