Do you follow your bliss?

i try hard to follow my passions and loves (writing, drawing, music, art, basically anything involving creativity). however, it's hard though :[. my parents don't see a future in the arts as very practical at all. i'm fine with becoming a doctor [their dream] and helping patients and people, but my real true love will always be art.
^^ That's hard. Expectations are one of the worst things to the health of dreams
You could choose to be happy in any situation, be resilient while exercising and developing your talents to contribute to others. That's just my philosophy. I kind of stole it from a book I read called, Awareness by Anthony DeMello.

Excellent book and excellent philosopy. I should have included that on my most mind-expanding book list.
Who says happiness or bliss is something you strive to achieve or diligently pursue? What if joy was our default mode (haha) when we came into the world, but it was clouded up with distractions and we forgot it was always right there within our frame of mind?

Also well said. I agree 100% and believe this to be the case. Rather than being a what-if, to me it operates at a low threshold from day to day, but tends to kick into full throttled simple joy at times as well. INFJ's have that capacity. They just need to work through the insecurities of their egos and 7 deadly sins, imho.