Do you guys know what this means?


Last week I was staring into space & i was staring at the trash can & i see the girl i liked looking at me while she was walking over to throw something in the trash can. Then later I was staring at the wall & when i look over she was Leaning her Head Against her Hand While looking at me & smiling. Then on Wednesday i heard her saying ” i don’t know why he looks at me".
Next time you catch her looking at you, smile back and hold your gaze a extra 3 seconds before looking away. It also never hurts to be friendly towards someone. One thing to keep in mind is not to get your hopes up too high. Might work out and it might not. Only way to know is to test it.
You are staring into space you said....
She sounds annoying to me.

If she's walking into your line of sight and blaming you for it, she's probably being narcissistic.
Last week I was staring into space & i was staring at the trash can & i see the girl i liked looking at me while she was walking over to throw something in the trash can. Then later I was staring at the wall & when i look over she was Leaning her Head Against her Hand While looking at me & smiling. Then on Wednesday i heard her saying ” i don’t know why he looks at me".

Well, it depends on how she said it and who she said it to. It could be one of two things:

1. Honest curiosity
2. She was being stuck up and trying to make herself look important and desirable to her peers and putting you down in the process.

Either way, I think you should approach her about it to clear up any misconceptions. Tell her that you overheard what she said and it made you feel like a creep. You find her attractive but you really were not staring. She just happened to walk where you were staring into space.

Doing this will let her know that you find her appealing but you aren't desperate. Plus, approaching her about it shows confidence. She might like that.
The best advice you're ever going to get in place of wondering what people think, is to make your intentions clear whether you know theirs. If you can't be brave enough to do that, and without falling apart, imagine what she'll think of how you handle other things in your life. (this actually matters)

If you revert into thinking I'm "that" type of person to ignore my words, or whatever process you might go through to justify not doing something difficult, you might have to ask if it's about you, not me.

Sorry for layering defense upon my post, but I have to get all points across at once.
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Well, it depends on how she said it and who she said it to. It could be one of two things:

1. Honest curiosity
2. She was being stuck up and trying to make herself look important and desirable to her peers and putting you down in the process.

There's plenty of other scenarios as well though- not just those two things. One that came to my mind is her friends may have been teasing her that she likes OP, and saying that he likes her too because he was looking at her, and then she got defensive (does anyone remember what it's like to be teased/questioned about a crush? The answer is it's absolute hell-- I think that's one of the few times in my life that I've out-right lied trying to get out of that uncomfortable situation) My point is there are SO many possibilities for why people would say things- and we do not have enough information to accurately assume anything.

I agree with people that said to talk to her. And if you find it hard talking to her, friend her on FB or something and try talking to her online. Sometimes that's easier.
There's plenty of other scenarios as well though- not just those two things. One that came to my mind is her friends may have been teasing her that she likes OP, and saying that he likes her too because he was looking at her, and then she got defensive (does anyone remember what it's like to be teased/questioned about a crush? The answer is it's absolute hell-- I think that's one of the few times in my life that I've out-right lied trying to get out of that uncomfortable situation) My point is there are SO many possibilities for why people would say things- and we do not have enough information to accurately assume anything.

I agree with people that said to talk to her. And if you find it hard talking to her, friend her on FB or something and try talking to her online. Sometimes that's easier.

Sure, anything is possible. But from what he provided in the OP, it sounded more like she was the one noticing him "staring" (even though he wasn't)...not her friends. So if her friends thought that he was/is staring at her, then it's because she told them so. Which is why I went with the two most logical assumptions. You can't give a person advice online without at least a touch of assumption. It would be impossible.

Either way, it doesn't matter.
I get that, @Anywhere But Here! But there are just so many layers to things that I really think it comes down to more things than just those two options. You can be so sure about the meaning behind what someone said, and it will be completely different. It's been happening to me a lot lately, and I'm finding it very interesting. People are a lot more complicated than we give them credit for.
The best advice you're ever going to get in place of wondering what people think, is to make your intentions clear whether you know theirs. If you can't be brave enough to do that, and without falling apart, imagine what she'll think of how you handle other things in your life. (this actually matters)

If you revert into thinking I'm "that" type of person to ignore my words, or whatever process you might go through to justify not doing something difficult, you might have to ask if it's about you, not me.

Sorry for layering defense upon my post, but I have to get all points across at once.
This is one of the more thoughtful responses on in your part.
Perhaps there is a real human in there. I was beginning to suspect you were some...out of the ordinary version of clever bot.
There's plenty of other scenarios as well though- not just those two things. One that came to my mind is her friends may have been teasing her that she likes OP, and saying that he likes her too because he was looking at her, and then she got defensive (does anyone remember what it's like to be teased/questioned about a crush? The answer is it's absolute hell-- I think that's one of the few times in my life that I've out-right lied trying to get out of that uncomfortable situation) My point is there are SO many possibilities for why people would say things- and we do not have enough information to accurately assume anything.

I agree with people that said to talk to her. And if you find it hard talking to her, friend her on FB or something and try talking to her online. Sometimes that's easier.

yeah but now that i finish school i havent seen her ever since high school but the other day when i went out with my friends at the mall i turn around & saw a guy looking at me but then looked away. so i guess she was there & saw me & said something so maybe thats why he was looking at me. but idk i only saw a guy there & not her so i guess she hide behind him or something. soo im guessing she didnt want me to see her so maybe thats why she hide behind him.