Gender: Female
Age: 20
Do you have a mental illness? Yes, more than one.

I'll explain but I'll keep it brief.
Aspergers Syndrome (AS):
Is an autism spectrum disorder.
Tends to use formal speech patterns.
Has an obsessive nature, particularly towards a single subject.
Poor at picking up social ques or reading other people's emotions, lacks empathy.
Has poor motor skills.
Displays lack of eye contact.
Prefers not to engage in bodily contact eg; hugging.
Has difficulty maintaining relationships.
Clinical Depression
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD):
Difficulty maintaining emotions eg; severe depression, suicide, anger.
Repressing memories of traumatic events, experiencing flashbacks and disassociation with reality.
Changes in how the individual views themselves eg; feelings of helplessness, shame, guilt, detachment.
How the individual views the perpetrator eg; fixated on revenge.
Isolates self from others, distrusting of others.
Loss of faith in humanity.
Gains a sense of hopelessness towards the future.
Gender Identity Disorder (GID):
Identifies and associates with opposite gender or no gender rather than their own.
Cross dresses.
Tends to cross sex roles eg; takes up the opposite gender role in play such as 'make believe' or video games.
Desires to participate in stereotypical activities of the opposite gender.
Adopts traits of the opposite gender such as speech patterns and mannerisms.
Sees their own gender through the eyes of the opposite gender.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD):
Although my doctors need to do more work assessing this. After doing my own research I personally think that I might have Schizotypal Personality Disorder (STPD). Time will tell.