Do you have the ability to ask for help?

I don't mind helping others out, but I refuse to ask others for help. Period.
I tend to have trouble excepting help from others unless the person is exceptional in the area they're helping me with.
When help is given, I take take that help and use it well. Although... when it comes to me asking for help, I'm not very good at asking for things that I would like xD I never have been. But I'm improving that slowly ^^
I have struggled with this issue my entire life. I had problems asking for help in school when I was younger and it carried over into life. I have gotten better the older I have gotten. I think with age I realized that it wasn't a sign of weakness to need help. There are still something I insist on doing for myself and would rather struggle through then ask for assistance.
Asking for help only bothers me to the extent that I'll have to interact with people more than I'd like to. But as far as feeling vulnerable or whatever no.
i've had a lot of training in how to ask for help and i've been fortunate to have had some very helpful people in my life.
It's tough for me, I normally try on my own or go without before asking for help on things (or troubling someone else, which is what I can't help but feel like, unfortunately) unless it's something that I absolutely need. Im getting better with it, but not having many people I'd consider being really close and trusted doesn't help.