Do you know an ISFP?

I know a few ISFPs very well. I mean, for example, we've been the closest to each other for more than a year. Those I know are very rebellious. Seem constantly tortured inside, to me. Often getting in trouble, especially with their bodies. They experiment a lot with their bodies. They don't like authority and will show their teeth to anybody put "up there", like cute barking puppies. They need you to be around them, or they may change their opinion of you. Very easily influenced by those that are actually close to them, at the moment. (that quality is similar to ESFP) ISFPs notice all kinds of sensory details around them, that others miss, and will comment them - which surprises a lot of people. They take good care of their bodies, even if seeming extremely reckless most of the time. Here are two female examples (I suppose):

And one male example:

In a strange non-verbal way, they demand to be adored, and you simply cannot not adore them. They soon become the lucky idols of any social group. Sometimes, they may abuse you a little, like getting you to pay for them, or get them out of trouble. But they are so cute and helpless that you can never, never be angry with them. If you have read "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac, Dean Moriarty is the ultimate ISFP male.
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This feels very much like me. I love caligraphy, singing, playing guitar, I used to draw a lot, but I am not particularly good, writing.

One of the descriptions says that the ISFP marches to the beat of a different drummer, very much me and people let me know this quite often.

I have considered myself to mesh my two inner traits (S/N, F/T) quite well (Or do I just not understand them enough yet? I now see myself as definitely P over J, but I have strong J still), and it is easy for me to fit into an ISTP role I believe, due to my mathematical/technical abilities, but I more happy as an artist. I think one of my GOOD friends at work is an actual true ISTP although he is very well balanced as well. I think I may be ISFP with a borderline T where my friend is INTP with a borderline F.

I am incredibly private, I loathe to admit it but my stuff is cluttered, yet I know where everything is.

I still feel that F fits me better than T, and my tests show it quite well. I have an incredibly strong sense of having to do EVERYTHING in a unique way. I hate to feel like I am blending into any cliche or routine. I often do feel tortured inside.

Emotional movies really affect me. The thought of injustice to others sends me reeling. I used to focus on animals a lot more, but as I lost some of my cynicism of humanity I started caring more about people of the world. People see me as spontaneous because all of a sudden I do something that no one saw coming. My actions are actually VERY calculated, but no one saw it coming because I never talked about it.

I know exactly what Enty was saying and it makes a lot of sense to me. Don't feel bad Entyqua, it means a lot to me. :hug:
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ISFPs are pretty!

That's funny what you say ENFP, I read somewhere that for isfps when people aren't in the immediate context they become like abstract concepts to us, true for me I think! :D
I probably portray myself as a T when I talk about this, because if I kept myself in my F mode, I wouldn't be talking about it. I have to take a step back and analyze myself logically in order to even get this stuff down in a post.

I have always said that I can't read people well, this is true. But I can compare people's actions to my actions as well as others I have picked apart in the past and I usually make some solid deductions from it.
ISFPs are pretty!

That's funny what you say ENFP, I read somewhere that for isfps when people aren't in the immediate context they become like abstract concepts to us, true for me I think! :D

I think I misunderstand some of the questions on these tests, because I thrive on practicality. I believe both ISTP's and ISFP's are like this.

Quinlan, I am now VERY interested to research you.
I think I misunderstand some of the questions on these tests, because I thrive on practicality. I believe both ISTP's and ISFP's are like this.

I have never consistently tested as anything, I think I apply specific contexts to the questions rather than applying them generally. Like if they ask "You often think about humankind and its destiny" my mind will jump straight to the times that I do think about that and say "yes" even if that isn't really my usual modus operandi. I'm adaptable so I can say yes to almost any question depending on the situation it's applied in.

Also Fi often expresses in the simplistic tests as NF. Actually a lot of the stereotypes associated with NF is probably more accurately associated with FP. As well as that the SP temperament is very open to "possibilities" and change which can be mistaken for N, but the possibilities and changes are more inclined towards the concrete.

Quinlan, I am now VERY interested to research you.

I'll have to be on my best behaviour. :whistle:
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Just curious, how many of you have known an ISFP?

What can you tell me about them from personal experience?

My mother is ISFP :-)

I've always got along with her better than with my dad as a child, although now I am fine with both. She's very lenient. She has her own ideas (ex. girls don't play soccer) but she won't force them on you. I asked her one time where did she learn that girls don't play soccer, and she just smiled and ran away.

Typical introvert. You must let her know ahead of time you are visiting the house or she'll be in a state of panic. And when you get there, she's a bit excited and talks loudly and doesn't think about things she says. She'll blurt out things about her children for example, that should remain private.

She likes teasing, which more often than not hurt the person she teases. She makes fun of my dad and how he eats, and she doesn't see he gets offended... She loves gossip and small talk. She can also spend everyday cleaning and cooking and remains happy. I believe she likes familiar things than new things. She will never sleep at another person's house because it's unfamiliar.I've also tried to teach her new ways of doing things but she always go back to how she's always done it.
She doesn't research her ideas, she just goes by what is "known." She's assuming. Once in a while she gets annoyed with things you do, but you just ignore her and she lets it go. Actually I used to give a cold shoulder and she lets it go faster that way. But I think it's because she's my mother.
I have a really good friend who is an ISFP.

He's an attorney, very insightful, yet not especially creative - in the sense that he's unlikely to come up with something novel, but is very good at remembering something novel that someone else did. He has a large repertoire of tricks that seem to be very accessible to him at all times.
He's quite overweight, and has a lot of trouble denying himself anything that makes him happy.
He's an accomplished musician.
He's a very funny guy, despite his humor being quite sophomoric.
He's got a very impressive mind for trivia.
All I have to do to make him almost vapor lock laughing is yell the word "Penis!"
He seems to wonder around with a clear sense of fascination and glee, and a love of everything he's doing. When he's not happy about something, everyone knows it.
He is also very concerned about the well being of others, asking how so and so is doing if he hasn't heard from them in a while.

I have four friends who are ISTPs. The differences between them are rather slight, from my perspective.

The ISTPs sense of humor is a little more sophisticated than the ISFP's.
The ISTPs sense of fascination and glee is more contained, unless they find something tangible to admire - at which point they will enthusiastically (though not as much as the ISFP) comment on it.
The ISTPs admire innovation and craftsmanship more than aesthetic and accomplishment. They both have a keen interest in quirkiness and the unexpected.

As far as musicians go, the ISFP is a little more expressive (playing blues and gospel) while the ISTPs are more technical, but I'd be hard pressed to choose which is the better musician.

My ISTP friend played this on piano.

My sister is borderline ESFP/ISFP. although pretty young a lot of the ISFP characteristics match her xD. She's very good with her hands, she excels in manual related projects something which I am not good at. She's quite creative and can write, paint and draw nicely. She enjoys helping others but she also needs her privacy from time to time and she's very sensitive to conflict. She's a lot more practical than me and can perform tasks that are generally considered ''simple'' better than me. She's also very interested in her current moment, and it's very aware of herself. If I try to explain her anything related to learning about subjects such as science, or any of my theories she gets bored and annoyed though xD. But I would not take this all too seriosuly, she;s a growing girl and your a grown man(LMAO..I just had to steal this lasts sentence from Von's thread with slant).
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If you need to differentiate between ISFP (Paul McCartney) and ISTP (Michael Jackson, Dustin Hoffman), here's a video:
and a picture:


  • Dustin.webp
    27.3 KB · Views: 50
If you need to differentiate between ISFP (Paul McCartney) and ISTP (Michael Jackson, Dustin Hoffman), here's a video:

McCartney as an ISFP is debatable enough in itself, but there's just no way on this Earth that Michael Jackson was an ISTP! He was an Fi dominant for sure.

Jimi Hendrix was an ISFP, as was Fred Astaire. Doris Day is another one, and arguably Bob Dylan (there's a really good article on that somewhere on the internets).

Famous ISTPs I'd say are Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, James Dean and maybe Johnny Cash.
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Jimi Hendrix was an ISFP, as was Fred Astaire. Doris Day is another one, and arguably Bob Dylan (there's a really good article on that somewhere on the internets).

Famous ISTPs I'd say are Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, James Dean and maybe Johnny Cash.

I have to agree here.

I have to add Matt LeBlanc to the ISFP consideration pool...


Also in the ISFP camp, there is the lovely Megan Fox - I really like this candid pic of her now that she's gained a little weight and is wearing less make up. Much more sincere ISFP - who is really tired of the limelight. You can see such a sincere expression of what she's feeling, walls and all.


I also highly suspect Harrison Ford and Gwyneth Paltrow to be ISTPs.They're both very technical method actors, like Clint and James Dean.


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With Johnny Cash I lean more towards ISFP but I'm biased.
McCartney as an ISFP is debatable enough in itself, but there's just no way on this Earth that Michael Jackson was an ISTP! He was an Fi dominant for sure.

Jimi Hendrix was an ISFP, as was Fred Astaire. Doris Day is another one, and arguably Bob Dylan (there's a really good article on that somewhere on the internets).

Famous ISTPs I'd say are Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, James Dean and maybe Johnny Cash.
I agree with both of your concerns actually. McCartney could be ESFP too, but he resembles more of my ISFP friends than the ESFP friends. Remember, he's a celebrity and we mostly see his stage behavior. Similarly with MJ - he is way too mechanical to be led by primary Fi, and also way too providing, giving. I believe on stage you get to see his inferior Fe going wild. If you know enough ISTPs and INTPs closely, you would see that behind the cold Ti-primary they can sometimes turn to this Fe and become the most caring individuals ever. It's very hard to analyze, I use facial features too, but who knows.

Your other examples are very good, I was thinking about Hendrix and Dylan for ISFP, yep.
I know exactly what Enty was saying and it makes a lot of sense to me. Don't feel bad Entyqua, it means a lot to me. :hug:

thanks NAI.
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It is possible that my dad is an isfp, although he is a math nerd and not artistic.

I just get the sense that he might be Fi (he defends his "whatever it is" to the death). I have no clue, though. He might be a J...but I don't know. My mom thinks he is pretty clutered, but she is istj for that could be why.

I have a spanish/TOK teacher that I believe is an isfp. She was an art and spanish major, is messy, sort of bohemian/offbeat, HATES Christmas, wears odd clothing, super organic-stuff, taxes her children...

General offbeat things. I think it's interesting.
And apparently she was a slacker and wild-child in high school. And a bitch. Lol.
Found something else rather interesting - yet another MBTI site. But this one specifically deals with writers and writing, and how each type expresses themselves in their writing.



ISFP's are corporate America's quiet but loyal followers. They are intensely self-conscious and are rarely the first to volunteer for a high visibility writing assignment, which is a shame because they are often better writers than they think they are. ISFP's are often found in human services fields where they become personally invested in projects. ISFP's naturally include people in their writing and are always willing to consider the ideas of others.

Below are some of the advantages and challenges ISFP's face when writing:


Write with warmth and perceptiveness about what motivates people and are especially sensitive to being the bearers of bad news.

Have rich experience in tangible world--great for writing cases.

Write facts clearly and explicitly.

Relaxed about deadlines.


So attuned to authority they may lose a sense of voice as they incorporate everyone's views.

Tend to present too much data and lack conclusiveness.

Might miss long-range implications.

Relaxed about deadlines.
My feelings are still hurt, you can buy me lots of candy to make up for it. :m075:
My feelings are still hurt, you can buy me lots of candy to make up for it. :m075:

*buys quinny lots of candy and showers him with it*

Can we huggles and many like entyqua did put her foot in it??

*crosses fingers*
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