Do you like to initiate things?

Short answer... no!

It's something that has come across my mind a lot recently, and struggle with.
It is also so very important for me to develop initiation professionally (which I am working on), for some reason initiation on a personal basis is a lot easier. Probably because reaching out to others in the latter is more meaningful vs. survival in the workplace.

I have no qualms with others initiating and me propagating the convo... I can listen and ask the right questions forever...

P.S. My psychologist says its fear of rejection and need for control of the situation naturally. :(
^This. Exactly this for me as well. The only difference is that I don't have someone who I call "my psychologist" but the one that I once saw said the same, and I disagree about the control bit. I do not need to be in control of the situation, I simply am sensitive to the idea of things not turning out in a way I want them to. So, I don't need control, but having control makes it easier. :)
I guess so. Stagnancy can make me uncomfortable or bored now and again, and I dislike waiting around to get what I want and/or waiting for people to gather the nerve to voice their thoughts and desires. I don't like waiting for a mythical "right time" to do something or expecting something to come to me. It makes me feel like I'm wasting my life. The sand is trickling down bitches! I've gone through times in my life where I've been very timid too though. Less experience and shattered confidence made me somewhat more afraid to initiate things at the time.