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[MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] you live in one of my dream countries, man.
Pollutes it, is more like it!
[MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] you live in one of my dream countries, man.
[MENTION=5601]ezra[/MENTION] -_- please
Guys guys [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] [MENTION=5601]ezra[/MENTION] please ^^
Focus your attention on helping me to get out of here please ^^ I really wanna be out
He insulted our graveyards! He's Irish, for Christ's sake!
... Oh, alright, "sorry" [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION]
You're a "good friend" and a "scholar"!
Ezra started it.
Ezra started it.
I don't know where you're situated, but if it's in Europe it'll make things a whole lot simpler. If not, your focus should really be more on emigration and visa polices. You should be thinking about the cost, if you'll want to stay post masters, whether you'll need some knowledge of the language. Be sure to have everything planned out, before you think about making the move.
There's also certain policies in place for a working student. There's only a certain amount of time you can dedicate to working, before it conflicts with the law.
You seem dedicated and I hope it works out for you.
Tell me about it .I'm having a hard time judging if this is for fun or for real - the whole conversation that is.
Either way it brings me to unease, even though I'm not taking part of it... I wonder why.
Be nice, guys! Please, be nice...
HAHAJacobi started it! Classic Jack.
This is totally a stupid gag, by the way. Sorry, folks.
I wouldn't recommend Finland, because the job situation here is very bad currently, many jobless people even with many years of work experience and with high university degrees. So it's really hard to get a job currently. :/ Most universities don't have any fees or if there is any tuition fee, it's not much really. I don't know anything about the education studies, though. Also politicians are thinking about getting a tuition fee for people who are coming from other countries to here to study, such a pity. ><'' Mostly people who are coming from other countries to here to study, are coming because there are no tuition fees and studying is almost free. I don't know how much government pays student aid for foreigners but those student aids aren't much, not even for citizens here. Things aren't going so well here currently, as you may noticed from my message. But the quality of education here is very good, I believe.
I don't know how it is to studie in Sweden as a foreigner, and I also don't know how studies in Sweden is compared to other countries. What I do know it that I'm happy about my studies (Math and Physics Teacher).
Well I love your country I have an old old friend there , helping me a lot with let say everything,But I've heard your country cost a fortune to live in (as a foreigner I mean)
well I know Japan needs lots and lots of teachers of English and I know one of their method they're using is very cool.So I guess I'll look into it.Thank you ^_^Have you ever considered someplace like Japan?
A friend of mine went there and taught English to businessmen and they paid him housing and food and a really decent wage.
You can hang with [MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION]
It's even worse in Iran.That's why not all of us are rich considering the enormous amount of oil we have.The government put the money in its own pocket!Perhaps you're right, but my guess is that it's costing a fortune for everyone in my country, but the Swedes are used to it. It's called welfare and it gives high taxes. Once you're a citizen you get a lot for free: schooling, health care, social assistance (if in need), etc. So it has it pros and cons, as usual.
EDIT: once you pay taxes, that is. Citizen = taxes
sad but true ... I know ...Here’s the sad state of the US and the insane cost to become educated…(one side anyhow).
Oh MY I love you country.
So you're saying the only problem is money.well...I'm trying to look everywhere but ... well...I don't know.what do you guys do there? people need jobs
Well ... of course I'm not from somewhere in the Europe ._. I mean, If I were everything would be different.I'm from Iran...living here...so you know the story...
leaving the country has been make difficult for us by our own government and other countries.It feels like being hostages! it needs lots of money and lots of stuff to be prepared...You mentioned very helpful stuff.thank you very much friend Can I choose any other jobs apart form these btw?