Do you take yourself seriously?
Why or why not?
Do you think society/people in general take themselves too seriously?
Most all the time I do. It basically depends on what I am thinking about at the time.
I pretty much dwell on serious things, take care of serious things, and am depended on seriously. "Myself" is more about others, though. If I were more about myself, it may possibly cause a change in the way I perceive things. I seriously doubt there would be much change in how I take things even then. Placing myself first could possibly cause a meltdown, leaving me with little direction.
As for society/people in general; most close to me take me seriously. Those important to me to be influenced by my being serious, concerning specific things, do not take
me(my thoughts and words) seriously enough for my personal satisfaction. That usually causes me more intense thinking when things go differently than the way I feel they should go, as most of the time those said things become more complex and more difficult to try and neutralize for all parties involved. "Tipping the scales" is not as serious to me as neutrality. Trying to help balance things once they have gotten too far out of balance causes me grief because there are usually more problems to deal with later. I cannot judge how others take themselves, as I know only what I have been shown or what I feel to be true. I dislike being fed partials, though that seems to be the norm. The rest I have to uncover the best way or ways I can.
People of power and great influence should take most all things seriously(imo), as many people will be influenced by their actions or inaction. I feel it more difficult to take most things seriously the more one has on the table to deal with, so it becomes less intrusive witnessing inaction the older I get. Understanding human nature more every day helps to deal with the way or ways others take themselves or others, though that still does not make it right in my mind. People only have so much time, and I have seen under the sun far too many people trying to force their ideals on others without taking the needed time to deal with the realities and threats around them they often ignore or sometimes do not care enough about.
Maybe the challenges in life get more complicated for reasons beyond that which I have given much thought. Maybe the challenges have less to do with others and the way they take their own lives than I think. Maybe I am at war in my own mind with things I only perceive to be way out of balance. It seems the more I share with specific people to balance things, the less they listen. Yet, at the same time, in appearance, it is like the "other side" is obviously listening and doing all they can to make things more out of balance. Seriously.