do you talk to yourself.out loud?

Yes. People frequently stop me in the grocery store becuase they think I'm tryin to talk to them...then they realise I'm just crazy...
Yes, but only when I am alone.
Yup. In different languages sometimes too :D
all the freaking time
i also speak to inanimate objects. the television was the worst - i would actually argue with the commercials or yell 'look out! he's behind that *insert relevant obstruction here*'... you know, stuff like that...
i no longer watch tv.
Yes... And I laugh out loud to myself whenever I remember something funny.
I'm sure people who don't know me who see me driving alone or walking through the store alone chuckling to myself think I am insane..

And just like JGirl, I also speak to inanimate objects.
Sometimes at the TV, but not usually unless I'm watching Downton Abbey.
Then I like to say, "O'Brien ya bitch!" when she is being a bitch.
rarely. the voice in my head is loud enough as it is.
When I get really, and I mean like, maximally stoned. If there is a friend nearby I begin to "think-out-loud" towards them, it's sorta freaky but they love it because I just use really long words and act like I'm discovering "the real truth about everything," not that I'd remember any of my revelations and highdeas later anyway....but they do stay in my brain or wherever it is, that those thoughts belong.

When I'm normal I rarely think-out-loud but stay in my head until I find the most accurate way of saying something, introverted styla!
Yes, but only when I am alone.

This. I also like to think aloud and voice act; I do a wicked Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.
Only when I am alone for some reason.
Yep. Once alone. I will also sing & dance when alone. :)
I occasionally think out loud. More often when I am alone than not, but sometimes it can go either way.
all the freaking time
i also speak to inanimate objects. the television was the worst - i would actually argue with the commercials or yell 'look out! he's behind that *insert relevant obstruction here*'... you know, stuff like that...
i no longer watch tv.

Exactly this. :D

My first thought when reading the thread title was: Are you serious? Who doesn't?

JGirl. Especially the commercials - right? I tear them apart and point out the obvious manipulations and insults to the public who views it.
My computer.
My car (I tell her how wonderful she is and how much I appreciate she is still carrying me around)
My dogs.
Myself in the mirror.

Lately I've been on a 30 Day challenge posed by someone on facebook. We are to spend about 20mins a day smiling at our Self. Sometimes - I laugh - and then I declare my insanity. :lol:
Yep, all the time...I figure as long as I don't answer myself I'm just fine. :dunno: