Do you think of yourself as "special"?

"You are special in your own way,
as night is different from day.
Don't mind what others say,
for you are special in your own way" :)
I rode this bus I school

Yes, no, maybe. In my mind sometimes I feel so different from everybody else and that I guess makes me special. When I take a step back and look at things from not inside my mind, I am not much different from other people; well at least that is what I see. Other's have said differently and others say I am just plain a freak of nature. Now compared to my family, maybe is the best way to describe it. Compared to some I am normal, compared to others I am crazy.
Yes, I am special. Why?

Is that a fair question to an infj with limited time? Already spent much too much time typing and deleting already.

I'm usually one to say really generic, kind of corny stuff like the "everyone is special in their own way" kind of thing to other people except for those that I really resent, except that I'm really self-deprecating to myself and firmly believe that I don't live up to my potential so I probably would not say that I am special. Maybe privileged, a bit peculiar and that I do have qualities, but I would not say that I am the least bit special.
Why am I special?

I know I was special to my Mother. I am special to my wife(at times)hehe.

What makes me special to others depends on their point of view.

To me? "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."
there r hella dumb fucks

Ya I'm special. I don't care much to be, that's just the way it is. There's no way to say it without sounding conceited without something getting lost in the translation of sugar coating, but most people are just dumb fucks. It's not as simple as that, but that's the gist of it. I'm not the smartest or the greatest or most talented, and I certainly have my shortcomings, but overall I'm not a dumb fuck. Here's the thing: there is such a thing as blissful ignorance. Some stupid ppl are happy, so maybe that would be better. Doesn't matter tho, I am what I am.

yeah, thats how i c it, too. most people have a hard time with just hte simple things, let alone trying to make sense of bigger things. so they don't excel at much, then theres people like me, or you, that don't mean to be conceited and certainlyknow we aren't the #1s but it's so easy to excel at everything....
Not in the least. People have done an excellent job in showing me that.
Okay, every time I see this thread I think
"Yea, special ed"

However in our PC world that just seems so insensitive but I think it is funny. I mean in my heart I don't see it as making fun of mentally challenged (hows that for PC) but I understand it is. I have come to the conclusion that perhaps I just have a slightly sick sense of humor and maybe I should develop some type of warning label. I have seen others post similar responses so at least I know I am not alone.
Okay, every time I see this thread I think
"Yea, special ed"

However in our PC world that just seems so insensitive but I think it is funny. I mean in my heart I don't see it as making fun of mentally challenged (hows that for PC) but I understand it is. I have come to the conclusion that perhaps I just have a slightly sick sense of humor and maybe I should develop some type of warning label. I have seen others post similar responses so at least I know I am not alone.

I know what you mean. However, when I post things like this, it's because I am acknowledging my own cognitive shortcomings sincerely... things like walking into walls, trying to unlock the car door, then discovering that I'm not actually at my own car, looking for my glasses, then discovering that I am already wearing them etc. (Se fail stuff. I think it's important to be able to laugh at yourself!) :D
I know what you mean. However, when I post things like this, it's because I am acknowledging my own cognitive shortcomings sincerely... things like walking into walls, trying to unlock the car door, then discovering that I'm not actually at my own car, looking for my glasses, then discovering that I am already wearing them etc. (Se fail stuff. I think it's important to be able to laugh at yourself!) :D

Oh man, I used to do silly stuff all the time. Looking for my sandwhich when it was in my hand was quite a bad 1.

I have also missed quite a few doors, that always hurts and makes everyone laugh...

I have somehow improved upon my silly mistakes though, I have managed to think clearer before acting, probably because i'm not so worked up easily about stuff anymore. I just calm down and think clearly.

I always love hearing these 'special' story's though. :m200:
I've been described as "special"...usually from people too kind to use more accurate words.

I wish I can be this kind of special though: