Tin Man
"a respectable amount of screaming"
- Enneagram
- N
You don't accrue dirt over the course of a day, you accrue dirt between washings. It effectively gets reset.
If I pet my cat after washing my hands I only spread cat germs. If I pet my cat without washing my hands, I spread cat germs plus everything else not to mention putting all of that on my cat too.
And the cat germs you spread? Shouldn't you wash your hands straight away so as not to spread them. Just because they've reset when you wash with soap doesn't stop them from already spreading to all of the people you come into contact with. Who will, if they don't immediately wash after touching you, spread those cat germs on to other people.
Suggesting that you only wash when using the toilet is merely stopgap. If you spread less germs from washing after urinating, then you'd spread even less if you washed every hour, or every half hour or every ten minutes.