Thats a great question, I dont have a plan but only some thoughts that perhaps could inspire someone.
I think we have been living, in many years, by a society that is always arranged in a way to have many losers and few winners, the society of the victourious that has a massive of failures.
I think one of the biggest humanity "diseases" is that many people wanting to win as long as there are plenty of people who lose, and thats unsunstainable in many ways and that generates lots of suffering. The pattern repeats and is more or less of the same... Today is a minority of rich and lots of poor people (you from 1st world dont end up actually seeing the massive poverty), in middle ages there was the kings and the servants, and even in the past there are something with this pattern. I dont think equalty is the solution, but rather something that reframes it without the concept of winning and losing at all, disregarding this idea. However, I dont know what that something would be. I have been trying to focus on my own thing rather and avoiding situations where my victory doenst [EDIT: DOES] depends on somebodys failure [EDIT: Try to make my "victory" independent from the failure of others], but there will be always situations where Im forced to be on that situation.
Also, I think that, in the past, both capitalism and socialism have a monopolistic mindset in terms of system and both of them wanted to spread like cancer and see which one ends up victorious. This may be funny, but today we even have people spreading the monopoly of the free market. I think we would be more used if there would have different systems co-existing in a more harmonious way then instead one desperately trying to sabotage and destroy the other for the sake of their own monopoly. A world with both capitalism and socialism countries not sabotaging each other, and, even better, something that isnt either capitalism nor socialist nor a fusion but rather something entirely new, would be great. A mindset recognizing that these systems are in evolution, and that no one should get way too attached to a single one of them, but rather open to the flow of evolution. We should analyse what ism really serves humanity. I think capitalism and socialism should serve humanity but lately, humanity has been serving capitalism and in socialism countries, serving communist (whatever you or I understand as communism/socialism). The same for states and free market: The state and free market should serve and live for people, and not the opposite. I think there is a good demand for something new and beyond capitalism, or a real fix for capitalism problems that arent based on faith or manipulated data.
Perhaps I can come with more later but these are the two things popping in my mind...