I've stumbled over this for quite a while. I have issues answering questions like "Does your home and work office look organized", Do you like schedules or plans, stick to a plan? and You like to keep options open or closure?
Home - I have better things to do with my time. If I start organizing I get stuck halfway, micro organizing tiny things that I don't get done with more important stuff. The easiest solution is to just let clutter happen. Organize just enough so I can find what I need. When I have to make my apartment clean, then I'll go into high drive, everything will be neatly in its place, things shining for just long enough to put on an impression.
Work: Can't stand clutter. I work in a retail store, so I'm (nearly) always making sure the store is tidy, free of dust bunnies hopping along the floor, products are placed in order, etc... The times I am not, then I am focused on unboxing and getting stuff put away.
Schedules: I don't set a set schedule, nor do I keep a written plan, but I do what I can to be on time with whatever meeting I go to and I expect others to be on time. But because I don't write down lists to check off I always answer "No" to those type of questions. The list I make is in my mind if I make one. More so I make a mental plan of what I want to do. If I have time, I may deviate. if not, then I remain focused.
Plans and procrastination: I am still trying to figure that one out, why I do so. I see a mental plan of whatever I am to do already finished and done in my mind. I can also see it finished and done several ways. But sometimes I get hung up because the actual process doesn't match my mental image, or I have trouble figuring out which version of the "finished" product is correct for the present task, or I have another project I am doing along side the procrastinated project and I don't have time or the mental energy to do both at the same time.
I assumed these were Perceiver traits, which lands me as a clear INFP, but as I was trying to figure out the differences between Ni and Ne and Fi vs Fe, I got stuck in a loop trying to figure out which of those is actually happening with me. It seems like if I was a true INFP, I wouldn't be stuck in an endless loop trying to figure out what I was doing, read up, and keep looking up each article trying to tick off mental boxes/ checklists in my mind. Am I gathering up external stimuli to build up my ideas, my project and storing it for future use or am I trying to validate an idea, clear confusion in my mind. As far as personal values go, I have my values, but I'm usually pretty upfront if I feel someone crossed them. If not, then I steam over it for a while and it bothers me more that I am bothered by it than the person who crossed me. Based on what I was reading in discussions this seems more INFJ like than INFP? Then again I find the variations in answers about the INFP/ INFJ very confusing overall. Some answers have it clear cut and others have it more vague. There seem to be so many contradictions.
I'm left confused. Could it be that I am misunderstanding what makes a perceiver and incorrectly assuming because I don't match all things in a question that it rules me out?