Does everyone have an internal dialogue?


Right the First Time!
Or is it just introverts?

Or is it just me? :P

Mine never shuts up but some of the best conversations I've had have been with the voices in my head. :ugeek:
Mh, good question. I think everyone does, to different extents. Introverts probably have much more extensive ones.

I'd say we all have this voice inside of us, the difference is how much we listen to it. We INFJs are probably amongst the biggest listeners.

Sometimes I just wish mine would stop. But in general it's a precious ally.
The conversation never stops in this mind and I feel like I have a constant companion.
I asked my husband about his internal dialogue and of course he immediately raised an eyebrow and looked at me suspiciously wondering if I'm about to 'be different' or say something weird LOL But after we talked about it he said he thinks the difference between us is that in his mind he's doing the answering back but in my mind 'we're not so sure'.
I'm not too sure what to think of that.
sumone said:
The conversation never stops in this mind and I feel like I have a constant companion.
LOL you too?

Some times I end up making my internal dialogue external and If someone is unfortunate enought to be around, I get the usual question

"Who are you talking too?"
Silently Honest said:
sumone said:
The conversation never stops in this mind and I feel like I have a constant companion.
LOL you too?

Some times I end up making my internal dialogue external and If someone is unfortunate enought to be around, I get the usual question

"Who are you talking too?"

I've caught myself doing it too!! hahaha
I know ESXPs have an internal dialogue, since they often start talking to themselves out loud when they are deeply troubled by something. It's a weird phenomenon. Although, just listening to what they say proves that it is nowhere near as deep, frantic, and involved as an introverts.
My brother (ENFP) does too... although I only know because he told me he liked pot because it made it go away.

Mine never shuts up either... although as I grew up I did get the ability to shut it up by focusing on other things (scenery around me, music, etc). As soon as it's quiet/dark though, no chance.
Silently Honest said:
sumone said:
The conversation never stops in this mind and I feel like I have a constant companion.
LOL you too?

Some times I end up making my internal dialogue external and If someone is unfortunate enought to be around, I get the usual question

"Who are you talking too?"


Having been the only adult in the house for a long time, I've apparently gotten out of the habit of keeping my internal dialogue internal as well. What I didn't realize is that my kids were taking note of it.

One afternoon on teh way down to the basement I was thinking audibly as I walked past my daughter and son. On the way down the stairs I heard her turn to her bro and say 'There goes Mom talking to herself again.'


Apparently I am most internally audible when I am zoning in the kitchen.
Now I'm wondering how much I really do do it! ACK! Someday I'm going to be one of those 'interesting' people on the bus!
I wouldn't call it an internal dialogue, but an internal debate.
If I'm not imagining scenarios with other people involved, I just debate with myself. Half the time it's in my head, the other half I actually speak out loud. Haven't been caught doing it yet, and I don't intend to either :D
First (and I am not just talking to myself here) I want to introduce myself as this is my first post. I am mayflow and yes, I talk to myself all the time. Luckily I have a very amiable relationship with myself, so we get along really great. I know that some meditation people think that there is some reason to stop the internal dialogue, but I am no so sure there is.

I really think it is a good way for the mind to think and develop and entertain itself.

A little anecdote: There were a couple of ladies where I work that shared an office, and I would like to sometimes go and converse with them. Often, they would both be talking, but not to each other!

An offshoot: Do you often talk to nonhuman things like computers?

O, hahaha! I see what it says under my first post!
Ah it speaks
- I find this both funny and true. I shall determine this formun as a teaching and learning experience.
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oh ya I think all the time. I have learned to enjoy life more by thinking and enjoy the moment. It also helps keep me outta trouble. My little voice has been saving my ass for years. I don't think the people I know understand just how much smarter I am than they are because I keep it to my self. If the conversation is boring me I go internal and analise the people around me looking for a person who interests me to converse with. Most of the people I meet are not interesting to talk too. That's why I am here the conversations here interest me..
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i guess i use to but now i'm dizzy and confused since my hand was just dislocated. I started to say every thing out loud to my dad and feeling over emotional when i got to the hospital.
Mine never shuts up but some of the best conversations I've had have been with the voices in my head. :ugeek:

I have the same problem. Sometimes I think to myself, "Why the heck are you even thinking about that?" And then I feel odd, because I come very close to having conversations with myself.

I think introverts have intense internal dialogue because we're always trying to figure things out and analyze things. In my case, I'm always balancing things in my head, weighing situations, relating certain things to different things, and bouncing around everywhere.
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Mine never shuts up but some of the best conversations I've had have been with the voices in my head.

Introverts probably have much more extensive ones.

I'd say we all have this voice inside of us, the difference is how much we listen to it. We INFJs are probably amongst the biggest listeners.

The conversation never stops in this mind and I feel like I have a constant companion.

"Whom are you talking to?"

All of them, QFT. I have fewer problems with being thought of as a weirdo because I tend to keep the internal dialogues to myself. When I was in elementary school, I used to speak out my part of internal dialogues. My friends thought that I was a total weirdo talking to a nobody. Nowadays my dear imaginary companion looks a bit tired (hence my mind); hope she gains the strength to engage in internal dialogues soon!
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Imagine if your internal dialogue just stopped and you couldn't think anything through without engaging with another person, to get the necessary feed back to work out problems and thoughts.

Is that what extraverts feel like?
Imagine if your internal dialogue just stopped and you couldn't think anything through without engaging with another person, to get the necessary feed back to work out problems and thoughts.

Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl... My friend, who is also an INFJ, were talking the other day trying to understand how some people go through their lives with a certain "airheadedness". Maybe this is what their minds are like.
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