- Enneagram
- 947 sx/sp
Attention deficit "disorder" is a term created by our government / system (the man) to medicate and dumb down those who have creative, dreaming minds.
Because what are we? Dreamers, idealists, artists, and people who make moves for the betterment of all things. We are an absolute inherent threat to the system and they seek to control us because we act on our dreams and values, likely to a much further extent than all of the other personality types. The label of "disorder" is a fascist term used to create subservient, human drones existing only to please a ruling oligarchy. It's an attempt at thought control by telling us that it's "wrong, bad, or unhealthy" to dream, to critically assess and analyze information. It is fear mongering. It is systematic oppression.
Essentially, it is an attack on our intellect because of what we can achieve when left to our own ideals; something they are very afraid of.
No child who dreams or can't pay attention (be controlled) has a "disorder". He or she is born that way, and it is a product of his or her personality.
The clinical science disagrees with you.