Does intelligence have its limits?

i changed my mind. i agree that the concept of intelligence seems to go hand in hand with some problems. it seems to limit people both who are thought to possess it and also people who are thought not to. there are so many other meaningful qualities in a person, this one seems to get blown out of all reasonable proportion.
there are so many other meaningful qualities in a person, this one seems to get blown out of all reasonable proportion.

i changed my mind. i agree that the concept of intelligence seems to go hand in hand with some problems. it seems to limit people both who are thought to possess it and also people who are thought not to. there are so many other meaningful qualities in a person, this one seems to get blown out of all reasonable proportion.
Yet at the same time, its also used as a thing that makes people hate someone. It may get lots of "big press", but its outright villinized by many, especially if you are jealous of some smarty. We raise them up to tear them down.
Intelligence as I define it, the ability to recognize patterns, to extrapolate information and make connections, to remember, adapt and apply, it does have it's limits. Evolution doesn't favor it. Experts believe that the spectrum of human intelligence hasn't changed in the last 15 thousand years, or more. That is a sufficient number of generations to see traits that are useful being ... what's the word ... being selected for. Basically, if intelligence was something that helped us survive we as a species would be smarter by now.

But it doesn't. There is a spectrum and once outside of the middle of that spectrum you'll be faced with some uncomfortable situations. I'm not going to go into the too stupid to live end of it, though. I'm sure everyone has heard stories of people too stupid to live. Darwin Award, anyone?

Starting with an IQ of about 180 we see antisocial behavior manifest itself. The government body is very mindless in its appliance of authority, and the smarter you are, the more of a problem will you have with set traditions or authority forced upon you. The law does not apply to them. Social norms do not apply to them. And they are cast out of the tribe or burned as witches or heritics, or too creepy to mate with, too obsessed to be concerned about propagation. So, we have a spectrum of intelligence ranging from dumb to genius but we're not moving that spectrum one inch. What is dumb now was dumb 15 thousand years ago, and what is a genius now probably came up with flint stones way back when and was subsequently burned to death for witchcraft.

I'm sure you can find an article explaining this better in detail somewhere.
I am supposed to be very INTALIGENT! But with my recent exam that of which my sciene exam only 63% suggests its not exactly coventional intelligence. Though oddly enough religious education was 98%... But Mental fatigue is a big problem for a lot of people above 150 Q points, where the mental stress is greater because of increased activity.

Yes i did use sarcasm and irony...
I'd say from my own experience that intelligence is only limited by a person's access to knowledge. I've always felt that intelligence is something that builds upon iteself. It expands, almost exponentially it seems, over time, and crates a domino effect. Therefore, if you've put effort into expanding your intelligence, you often experience whole new levels of knowledge you never intended on learning. This can be mentally, emotionally, and even physically exhausting. With intelligence comes wisdom, and wisdom comes at the price of knowing not only the things you would like to, but also the things that are painful. With an innocent naivete comes the simple pleasure of not knowing. Since some things are beyond your knowledge, there is less to weigh you down (but possibly more to fear). With knowledge can also come disappointment. You may think you know something, and be secure in that knowledge, and then realize that something different is true. I've also found that solid knowledge in the concrete can interfere with knowledge of the abstract; that knowledge of the spiritual can cause inner tension with your logical knowledge. Sometimes they can work together, but they can also conflict with eachother, which can cause stress or frustration. When this conflict occurs, it can often slow the learning process, or act as a distraction.

I've always felt that the power that comes with knowledge is subjective; to each person it can be used in different ways. For some, this power is used to impress or belittle others (arrogance). For others, this knowledge is used for strategy, to gain an advantage over others. For others still, this knowledge is used to better society, or to act wisely, or to help other people.
Knowledge and Intelligence are oceans apart. The saying "knowledge is power," does have truth to it, however the owner of this "power" doesn't necessarily need to hold as much Intelligence. Having higher Intelligence can improve what that Knowledge can be expended on.

Think of Intelligence as a lidless basket and Knowledge as apples, the bigger your basket the easier it "should" be to keep your apples from spilling out. Now since the basket doesn't have a lid and there is no limit to how many apples you can have, you can have as much knowledge (apples) as you work to gather.

Intelligence is more of a static (not completely) thing that stays with you, Knowledge is more variable.

High intelligence seems counter-evolutionary to me. At least that's how I see it in myself. Because I'm pretty intelligent and I don't ignore ideas that make me feel uncomfortable, I sometimes have existential angst. When I'm in one of these depressed moods, the thoughts make me not want to ever have sex or have kids because I don't see the point. Everything seems meaningless. So in my experience, past a certain point, intelligence (especially a high degree of self awareness) seems counter-evolutionary. If we were all too dumb to consider why we're here, we'd just go on mating and propagating the species like any other animal, without distractions. But a certain amount of intelligence