Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?

So does every religion, and the lack there of.

Religion doesn't kill people. People kill people.

If its not religion its politics, nationality etc.

Religion is fine, its extreme religion that is the problem. Anyone who thinks their faith overrides basic human rights is an extremist and therefore a problem.

Otherwise live and let live.

I almost jumped down your throat at your first sentence because I do see good in my own religion. I chose it for that and did not just inheric it like most sheeple.

I agree completely with you. Who could disagree with such a good looking guy.:grinning::grinning:

That was actually thanks to the painter if I recall, he sneaked in some science without the Church knowing. If they had known they would have made him change it.

Possibly. He was quite the card.

The Pope was likely too busy knocking the genitals off of statues so that he would not be distracted all the time.

Did you ever see the painting where Michelangelo has a quire boy giving the Pope the finger?

I don't have a link or I would show it to you.

Do tell. I'm dying to know.

It is too late in the day and I don't think you care.

I am tired because I am fasting for a medical procedure on Monday.

Do ask me again when you are interested enough to go see what Chrestianity was all about and why Christianity usurped their ideas the same way they usurped Judaism's and changed bot of our better ideologies to their genocidal god worshiping one.

It is too late in the day and I don't think you care.

I am tired because I am fasting for a medical procedure on Monday.

Do ask me again when you are interested enough to go see what Chrestianity was all about and why Christianity usurped their ideas the same way they usurped Judaism's and changed bot of our better ideologies to their genocidal god worshiping one.

Better idea. Don't assume what I care about and make a separate thread. Such a discussion can take a lot of time and space. Good luck with your procedure. I hope your wiener is ok.
You are correct.

To have liars stop lying takes more than a request.

I guess that if I showed you when they started lying about that from Chrestian holy books, you would not care either.

Most don't care that the bible is a plagiarized bunch of beliefs from older and wiser traditions.


son, are you tripping on acid?
Someone maybe should go play in someone else's sandbox.
son, are you tripping on acid?

Aneirin: are you tripping on acid?

Gnostic Christian: no im totally sober

Aneirin: are you sure?

Gnostic Christian:

Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?
There is no simple answer to this. Jesus, living as a man, does live by it and encourages others to do so too. It's meaningless to apply it to the relationship between God and people though - how on earth could I treat God in the way I would like Her to treat me? I can love Her to the best of my ability, but the love She gives back to me in return I lack the power and capacity to reciprocate.

Most Christians seem to think so as they say that Yahweh/Jesus can do no evil.
There is bound to be a discontinuity between a Gnostic and a Christian perspective here, depending a little on which particular form of Gnosticism we are considering. From a Christian perspective, Jesus as Son has restored the connection between fallen people and an infinitely good God, who is in Herself the definition of good. This has put the whole of creation back on course for the good purpose that She created it. From various Gnostic perspectives, the material world is the faulty creation of an imperfect god who traps the spirits of people in an evil physical existence - escape from this is very difficult and involves an utter rejection of the god of this world, and a perilous spiritual journey to a different plane of existence. Each of these world views is bound to seem very misguided and wrong to the other.

Most, I hope, start their moral thinking by some variant of the Golden Rule, a reciprocity rule, so I think we can all relate to some degree in judging Yahweh/Jesus.
It's quite possible for you as a Gnostic to approach the god of this world with a critical judgement - that's essential to your beliefs and to do otherwise would trap you in this world of deceit. For a Christian to judge God is a nonsense because it implies there is an ethical system that transcends Her - this is impossible. That doesn't mean that Christians can't use a critical approach to understand and love God better - that's a critique of people and what they say and do, not of Her though.

Personally, I think a lot of the problems that people have when trying to grapple with religion is that we don't really try and find God directly for ourselves - if we do, the experience is beyond describing and makes all the agonising about this or that belief system superfluous. And when that happens, we can see that most of the many ways people set about exploring their spirituality converge on the same unspeakably glorious reality - they just come at it from different directions.
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to mean that as 'consequence', which informs moral decisions more so than anything. Hopefully it will be something which they clear up

It looks like you had got it right :D

I disagree and show why above. The consequence of our selfishness is a better chance at survival.


This is true, and science supports this, but this is actually no proof that our moral frameworks themselves are or must be consequentialist.

Your argument relies on the appeal to nature, which is a fallacy.