The first time I read a type description for an INFJ, I was amazed by how accurately it described me. No joke.
I took a test online that told me i was something called an 'infj'. I looked into it further and read descriptions which i found were uncannily accurate.
I was aware of the barnum effect used in newspaper horoscopes and thought perhaps the same effect was being used so i read the descriptions of all the other types objectively trying to match them to me. None of them matched.
I found the process quite emotional; it made a lot of sense of some things i had done in my life and some hard times i had been through
I followed a link to the infj forums out of curiosity and found many threads on subjects close to my heart
The descriptions i have read have been accurate about some really random things. I am usually fairly wary of things initially but MBTI really resonated with me