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Oh Jesus Christ. Every time some so called reputable source announces in advance they're going to share SECRETS but want you to smash that like button and hit subscribe I just assume they're all aboard the grifter train.
Vaxxed probably really are flooding emergency rooms
I have seen countless posts about the emergency rooms and hospitals filling up with the vaxxed now, as was predicted would happen at this time back in March of this year. Is this true, or are people hoaxing to fulfill previous predictions?
80 percent of Ventura County hospital admissions are vax injuries
In the hospital with others who had vax reactions
Australian nurse speaks up about vax injuries
Nurse drops vax truth bombs
Nurse questions vax policy when only 4 percent of patients are Covid
This is the winner. Because after you see something like this, you know the other reports cannot be fake. In there with other people who have the same thing? in the SAME EMERGENCY WARD? Yep, I'd say this confirms a lot:
Vaxxed probably really are flooding emergency rooms
I have seen countless posts about the emergency rooms and hospitals filling up with the vaxxed now, as was predicted would happen at this time back in March of this year. Is this true, or are people hoaxing to fulfill previous predictions?
80 percent of Ventura County hospital admissions are vax injuries
In the hospital with others who had vax reactions
Australian nurse speaks up about vax injuries
Nurse drops vax truth bombs
Nurse questions vax policy when only 4 percent of patients are Covid
This is the winner. Because after you see something like this, you know the other reports cannot be fake. In there with other people who have the same thing? in the SAME EMERGENCY WARD? Yep, I'd say this confirms a lot:
Temperature in Montpellier VT now: 31F. Temperature in Miami FL now: 70F People stay indoors when it's cold. That's where transmission happens.
Israel is pretty warm. Lots of transmission there.Temperature in Montpellier VT now: 31F. Temperature in Miami FL now: 70F People stay indoors when it's cold. That's where transmission happens.
@Roses In The Vineyard and @larry806q -
I recommend this.
I am 10m into it after which I just broke down and cried because I know what he said is true.
As always you turn on a firehose and leave it to the respondent to refute a myriad of unsubstantiated assertions. Yes yes I realize you have tons of websites to back you up but each step requires the respondent to accept the basic point of view that is being proposed. And that point is that the respondent (me in this case) must abandon their already accepted view of what science, law, public health, national politics, international business and a host of other bedrock assumptions and take on the view that a small group of people have orchestrated the mass murder of a majority of the human population.So you have looked at the 4,000 patents and the gene sequences being patented in those and have decided that the good Doctor is wrong?
So to take one point early on with "no evidence", I ask.
1. The CDC did not file patent #7220852 in April of 2003?
2. That it is not illegal via 35USC101 to patent a naturally occurring substance?
3. That the Covid gene code was not included in that filing?
4. That the two following/attached patents #'s 46592703P & 776521 either don't exist or aren't attached?
If need be I can offer other non-evidence.
Further questions:
1. There aren't 73 patents dated between 2008 and 2019 that either list the gene sequence of the Corona virus or address poly basic cleavage sites, Ace2 receptor site or the spike protein?
2. Ralph Barric didn't then write a paper in 2016 that addressed the potential for a Sars out break?
3. Patent #9193780 doesn't exist, wasn't filed in 2015 or the gain of function research hadn't been outlawed PREVIOUS to that date?
I do realize that us flat earthers can be just SO annoying.
You asked one time if us flat earthers (my label not yours) would apologize if we were wrong about the Pandemic. I assured you that I certainly would and still maintain that position. I would now like to ask if the opposite turns out to be true would you apologize? Correspondingly now that the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax is now indeed a Conspiracy theory will any non flat earthers apologize?
As always you turn on a firehose and leave it to the respondent to refute a myriad of unsubstantiated assertions. Yes yes I realize you have tons of websites to back you up but each step requires the respondent to accept the basic point of view that is being proposed. And that point is that the respondent (me in this case) must abandon their already accepted view of what science, law, public health, national politics, international business and a host of other bedrock assumptions and take on the view that a small group of people have orchestrated the mass murder of a majority of the human population.
Forgive me if I l"m not ready to jump off the ledge but I have to much invested in the world as it is. We have real problems to solve (global warming, rise of american facism, elimination of poverty...) we need not invent febrile machinations to combat.
The sum total of the video of Martin is a patent trail consisting of filing date and patent content as well as simple deductions from the patent records.and leave it to the respondent to refute a myriad of unsubstantiated assertions.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/21/magazine/pandemic-vaccine.htmlbecause it is almost impossible to predict which virus might cause the next pandemic, researchers had long argued that it was essential to design panviral drugs and vaccines that would be effective against a wide range of strains: all types of influenza, for instance, or a substantial group of coronaviruses rather than just one.
I am curious @FiftySeven -
What do you think of this quote that Martin cited?
We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a pan corona vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.
- Pater Daszak, National Academy of the Press Feb 12, 2016
While factoring in the fact that the coronavirus was declared in 2008 to be eradicated.
I know. I know. Mr Daszak just wants to help people.