Draw a House personality test.

no, the test didn't say that, I can see how you got that from what you see, but the picture in my head and the one on the screen are two completely different things. (note post script). The house I see in my head is kind of like a log cabin, in the middle of an old wood. thats a dirt path with an unkempt garden that still keeps its beauty. the tree is an old Oak, with branches hanging low and zigzaging everywhere (upon thinking about it, the oak should be on the other side of the house). There's a small stream behind the house (the door faces East, the stream's in the west). I'm dancing in the north (I'm on the wrong side of the house as well) with my head facing the sky. what impression do you get now?

I can't fully empathize as when I drew I didn't have a picture in my head and no thought of direction. I did have a creek to the back of the house that I didn't draw though. There were a lot of things I didn't draw. Mountains in the horizons, Rivers and waterfalls. So many things. Directions always get confused to me. What do the directions represent to you? East is like spring and new arisings - I saw the new green growths on the long-established Oak tree with the roots going deep, but it had no top as your house roof had no top. This I associated with such openness of mind. The west reminds me of evening time to unwind and get ready for new dreams. The north reminds me of cool-ness of mind, and the South of the warmth of love and Sun.
I can't fully empathize as when I drew I didn't have a picture in my head and no thought of direction. I did have a creek to the back of the house that I didn't draw though. There were a lot of things I didn't draw. Mountains in the horizons, Rivers and waterfalls. So many things. Directions always get confused to me. What do the directions represent to you? East is like spring and new arisings - I saw the new green growths on the long-established Oak tree with the roots going deep, but it had no top as your house roof had no top. This I associated with such openness of mind. The west reminds me of evening time to unwind and get ready for new dreams. The north reminds me of cool-ness of mind, and the South of the warmth of love and Sun.
thank you for intuitively knowing exactly what the directions represent. East=newness, sunrises, spring, element of air (which= thought and intellect). South=Passion, noon, summer, fire(which represents what I already said). West=Emotions, evening, Fall, water (which represents emotion and love). North=Creations and destruction, night, winter, Earth (that from which all is made and to which all become after death). These were lovingly ripped from wicca, and for me, I tend to get what north and west represent, and can't determine which set I prefer.
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This is the first test out of three I felt like even attempting tonight, then hurried somewhat through it.
On a PC: select the text, press (at the same time) the ctrl key and the C key, come over to this window click the button that looks like a speech bubble, click between the 2 sets of [] and press ctrl and V. then go back to the quiz window, right click the pic and select "Copy Image Location" Come back here, click the mountains, click between the []'s, and press ctrl and V. then post.

On a Mac: select the text, press (at the same time) the command key and the C key, come over to this window click the button that looks like a speech bubble, click between the 2 sets of [] and press command and V. then go back to the quiz window, press and hold the ctrl key, click the pic, release the ctrl key and select "Copy Image Location" Come back here, click the mountains, click between the []'s, and press command and V. then post.

Click here to view my house

Wow. My house is so bland compared to everyone else's!

It was kinda funny spotting the contradictions on my analysis:
Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. son.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.
Based on the drawing and the 10 answers they gave this is a summary of their personality:
Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader.O.o You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone.Note: I drew crosses on the windows I don't want to live alone I want to live in Williams arms That is all I want out of life. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes. I hate change :<
When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside.No one ever listens when the feelings come out which is quite often in my opinion You have a strong personality and you like to com-demand influe-beg and control peop-close friends
You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about
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Yeah, it didn't turn out so well, wish I had more room for trees, etc. It looked way better in design mode. Those are supposed to be flowers in the front. Yes, I've got crossbars on the windows, but zero desire to live alone. :P
You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. You don't think much about yourself.

My drawing skills sucked so bad I don't dare post them.
Haha Ophelia that is an awesomely creative house I must say it looks like an evil monster though hahhaha. Are you sure you are not a T function? ;)

Now, I Love the rainbow bright and lovely colours - aaw I totally forgot to include one in mine. :)

The feeling part of my personality is the only thing that I think I am sure of. I appriciate your comment very much though. Maybe you could explain how you would think I was a T function...who knows maybe I am wrong?
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Crested Butte:

You are sensitive when it comes to matters of defacation. You are a freedom lover and strong; you never get constipated while A.C. Slatering. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever seeking the lavatory - Roman style! You love excitement and create it wherever you go with the aid of your own excrement. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you, and that friend is your bum.
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You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are good at making friends and when the joyful moment arrives, you make the most out of it. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone (rolf I did). Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.

You are not a romantic person by nature. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.

mostly accurate!
Now, I Love the rainbow bright and lovely colours - aaw I totally forgot to include one in mine. :)

Merci! :) I'm not quite sure how I did that, but I just decided I was going to let out my inner child. He doesn't get out a whole lot, and loves to colour. My T side was trying to tell me to make sure I got the rainbow colours in the right order, and I said screw it, that's not up to you!

(PS - Very long day at work, I'm in a weird mood now.)
Merci! :) I'm not quite sure how I did that, but I just decided I was going to let out my inner child. He doesn't get out a whole lot, and loves to colour. My T side was trying to tell me to make sure I got the rainbow colours in the right order, and I said screw it, that's not up to you!

(PS - Very long day at work, I'm in a weird mood now.)

T side... no, you mean J.
All of your homes are so beautiful, even the one with the horse. <.< Mine was so plain, uncolored and pretty much a blockish like house. Lol, and because I put little crosses on my windows I want to live alone???
The feeling part of my personality is the only thing that I think I am sure of. I appriciate your comment very much though. Maybe you could explain how you would think I was a T function...who knows maybe I am wrong?

Well I thought your house was adorable but also freaky. The colours were somewhat dark and I would think that a T person who can be uncaring and may not even draw a house would make something similar ^^

I loved it though ^^ (this is not critisism or meanly said btw!)