The last interesting dream I had which I had like a year ago:
The dream started in a high school that I'm a student of. While walking around the corridor, a male student said some stuff that made me angry so I punched the guy in the face in full power so he lost consciousness for a few seconds. While he was still lying on the floor I started to worry because cops may arrest me again for this (I was arrested in real life before for the same reason which I suddenly remembered after I punched the guy) but oddly after he got up he didn't remember what happened. Then a teacher came and declared he will investigate and find out why he lost consciousness. So I ran to my classroom and sat at my desk.
A real-life female friend of mine who was in my dream (let's call her Jane) noticed I fought again because of my bloody hand covered with scars due to punching the guy's teeth. She didn't want my mother to notice my hand so she took me to her house that is just outside of the city.
When we came there it was dark so I remember a barn-like structure and windmill around. Then I got sleepy all of a sudden so much I wanted to sleep very soon. People around the place was very busy like they were yelling at each other and running around and soon I realized why: Suddenly the whole place I was on started to ascend above the clouds. The whole place turned out some flying ship, it looks like the below pic but smaller and one-piece structure that made by only wood which had a typical brown colour.
Then I realized an adult tiger looking at me like it wants me to follow it as if it has some bad news I have to know but I ignored and then I felt bad about it. Then Jane got annoyed by the noise people were making so she took me to a barn-like building. In there I realized people stored a lot of old stuff there. Then she found some of her old books that read themselves for you and some pages have animated pictures. In her condescending voice she said "I can't believe I used to like these books. I'm thinking of throwing them away", so I said "don't do it because future you may regret it".
Then I noticed the very same tiger looking at me but I ignored it again so it left. Then a servant woman came and told to Jane "there is a problem about tiger you should deal with" so Jane left me without saying anything. Then I heard a middle-aged man yelling "cloud watch!!!, I watch above the clouds for years but for what!!! they don't even care!!!" so I sensed he is the leader of this place so I guessed he must be the father of Jane. I got sleepy again so I prepared to sleep in the barn but the aforementioned man showed up and noticed I'm sleepy and I noticed he himself sleepy too so he took me to his bedroom.
In the bedroom I noticed there are 2 beds that are for one person each and separated from each other a lot so I guessed Jane's parents don't have a well marriage, perhaps they are about to divorce but they still trying to keep their marriage for Jane. So I slept in Jane's mother's bed, and Jane's father slept in his after he mumbled about how busy he was today so I noticed he is an alone good man whom people don't appreciate him for his good work. When I was just about to sleep I noticed the whole ceiling of the bedroom is a giant empty painting with frame. Then suddenly this painting started to show what kind of day Jane's father had (well he was certainly busy LOL).
While I was sleeping in my dream (sleepception) therefore having a dream in my dream (dreamception) I had regrets about I didn't follow the tiger so I woke up in my dream to search for the tiger. While I was just out of the bedroom and walking around the corridor suddenly I heard gunshots and people were screaming. Then I heard some men yelling in Jane's father's bedroom. When I arrived back to the room, they shot Jane's father from the window and they tossed a gold coin on him as if they especially tried hard to make the coin drop on his torso where his heart is. So I started to run outside, while at it, I found a knife in the kitchen -> took it with me and got outside.
I realized an intense fog covered the place so it was even hard to see a few meters away. While looking around I realized a male servant hiding behind a tree that's just in front of me so I wanted to ask him where is Jane and the tiger but 3 enemies showed up -> they shot the servant -> tossed a gold coin on him so it dropped on around his heart while they had a condescending smile on their face -> they started to make fun of me so I got angry and therefore throwed the knife at where their voice coming from. While hoping I killed at least one of them I started to run and I realized the whole place is on the ground again and then I remembered Jane and I have a secret place on top of an ancient tree in the forest so I started to run there hoping Jane is still alive and in the secret place then I woke up for real this time.
Damn, why I don't always have such dreams.

Well interpreting this dream is easy:
I spent most of my life in school and especially my high school life was so intense I have a lot of high school dreams from time to time so it doesn't really have a meaning.
Yes, I was arrested for punching a kid in high school because that one punch made him have a permanent scar on his face because he bit his lips which is a good reason for the law to put the kids into jail for a few years for causing permanent scar wow but I won my pseudo-freedom by bribing the kid's mother who wanted to see my dead body for hurting her kid so I don't have a criminal record. You can even buy a mother's revenge and stop them from caring about their child with money. Money is the real king in this world.

I don't think anything about Jane has a meaning. Real her is how she is in my dream. At least it's how I see her.
The place that is actually a flying ship is inspired by BioShock Infinite (which is what the pic is from) and Studio Ghibli movies for sure.
Yes, let's mention the tiger. Studio Ghibli stuff for sure. I think the tiger is the aspect of Jane I'm afraid of. I still don't know what's it but yeah she is a tiger sometimes. Yes, Jane always makes me feel like there is something she wants to tell me or there is something I want to learn about her but I ignore it because I feel like it's none of my business but it's just Jane's business. No denying I'm afraid if that would hurt me or not so sometimes it stands there like a tiger.
I think Jane's father is young me (personality-wise). I know about Jane's real-life father and he was not exactly like my young self but I think there is similiarty especially about how I thought he was trying to prove himself and fundamentally was a good person. He is young me perhaps because at the time Jane made me feel like she is my daughter even though we almost have the same age. Also Jane makes me turn into my former nice guy self which I strongly fight back against because I see him as deteriorating.
Perhaps the only deep thing about this dream is how Jane's father was yelling "cloud watch!!!, I watch above the clouds for years but for what!!! they don't even care!!!". Because of the 3rd movie of Matrix clouds have a different meaning to me. Cloud means what curtain means to many people. Curtains hide what's happening behind it same as how clouds are. Also behind the clouds there are storms and all. In that context being a cloud watcher means "taking care of others' mood". Most people don't have the self-awareness for realizing their mood so I got used to emotionally taking care of them and make sure they are happy and I'm always aware they don't realize what I do but at least they are happy no matter they don't realize it but I never thought I felt upset for it. Well current me doesn't care about being the "cloud watcher" perhaps that's why my feelings about it could surface into my conciseness. Also, to me, cloud watcher literally means that I watch clouds and warned my friend when it'll rain or not LOL.
Me being sleepy all the damn time is just because it's how I'm in real life. I suffer from diabetes (the only thing I inherited from my royal ancestors LOL) so sleep is good for me. And for that reason Jane's parents in the dream doesn't have a well marriage so I can sleep in a separate bed

. I think the whole Jane's father and bedroom parts are added to the dream to make me interested in the dream so I won't wake up. For example I slept twice while writing this message. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: I just figured out why there was that kind of painting. A long time ago I was meditating and analyzing what kind of day I had before I was sleeping.
And yes, let's mention the killers and what the hell about they tossing a gold coin onto the heart. I really don't know. Probably my brain just wanted to make me think about it so I won't wake up. Yeah my brain always does it to make me continue sleeping so for example just today I had a dream about cars that were walking on the streets as if they are human and I was trying to logically explain why and how it happening

. Damn my brain. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well my only explanation about the coin is I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes books and I know that some people used to put a coin into dead people's eyes. So I may have thought the real eye is the heart and why it's gold is because either because of how much I value heart or I think gold increases the value of their heart to deserve something.
The intense fog is because of Silent Hill for sure. I'm a fan of its 2nd video game, though I admire its 4th video game a lot because it's the best horror video game ever.
Me having a secret place with Jane on top of an ancient tree obviously about how she makes me feel about our usual conversations that we sometimes have about very deep quality complex topics.