I have a theory that the simpletons who believe this tripe are just insecure about themselves. They are projecting, everyone knows everyone uses public funding of some sort, its the entire basis for the government. Fuck, even if you want to take it a step further, we rob 3rd world nations of their resources to bloat our standard of living to what it is... the West has been doing this for 100s of years. And then to have the audacity to turn around and tell everyone else to strap up their boots and work harder? Its disgusting...
Everyone takes help, but it takes an especially smug type of asshole to delude themselves that their student aid is not welfare, that their unemployment is not a form of welfare, that PUBLIC roads are not a form of welfare. They dont mind those things because those things are nice and great... The people we are talking about are afraid of being poor. More important distinction, they are MORE afraid of being considered poor, so they hate on people who remind them of their fear, of course that would be too simple and too obvious. Projection is the oldest form of mental self trickery in the book, so they try to wrap it up in the air of smug bullshit, I WORK AND PAY TAXES! This isnt about my irrational feelings, this is about principles and economics! They usually become irate when you break it down for them that:
A. they are not holding true to their principles they espouse elsewhere in their lives, or else they are holding true to them and the other 99% of the time when the pretend to give a shit about anybody but themselves they are just lying.
B. Economically testing welfare people is... well not very frickin economical...
When you boil it all down to what the motivation is behind such a belief, again. Its some form of fear. My theory of course, restated now is that its a fear of being part of the population that is demonized...
its like we never left kindergarten. Everyone picks on the poor kid who wears the same shirt to school everyday because they dont want to be the bottom of the totem.