
I've only tried pot. Don't really want to try anything harder cause I think the risk of brain damage and/or addiction is too high.
The pot wasn't that special, I felt all the classic effects - laughing, thirst, hunger. one time I really got stoned like an idiot and it made me feel thirsty for weeks after, literally. I never smoked again after that.

I don't like taking medical drugs, either. They make me feel very dehydrated and I get a distinct feeling that they lower my energy.

For the last 4-5 years I have absolutely refused to take any antibiotics cause they are very aggressive, they hurt your digestive organs, they don't boost your immune system at all and the infection which you defeat with antibiotics can easily come back. But doctors won't really tell you that.
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.... or nutmeg.

Nutmeg? Seriously? That's a new one to me.....

Uh...and that isn't a rousing recommendation for listening to the song above......I got freaked out doing drugs while listening to this song....LOL
If you have problems with your serotonin levels as is, don't fuck with it.
Resulted in one of the worst depressions of my life.

That's why I've never touched the stuff. A lot of my friends roll. Im happy just to smoke a joint and chill, if I feel like getting drugged up. Also, wouldn't want to turn into an E-tard. You only have to do it like 30 times (or less) for it to start to show. Lastly, I know it can be cut with any of the following: coke, meth, caffeine, dxm, rat poison. The only way you get pure is if you have a really really good dealer.
No thanks.
Nutmeg? Seriously? That's a new one to me.....

Uh...and that isn't a rousing recommendation for listening to the song above......I got freaked out doing drugs while listening to this song....LOL

Lol. One of my friends OD'd on that shit. He nearly died. He said it was just like being drunk.
I've only tried pot. Don't really want to try anything harder cause I think the risk of brain damage and/or addiction is too high.
The pot wasn't that special, I felt all the classic effects - laughing, thirst, hunger. one time I really got stoned like an idiot and it made me feel thirsty for weeks after, literally. I never smoked again after that.

I don't like taking medical drugs, either. They make me feel very dehydrated and I get a distinct feeling that they lower my energy.

For the last 4-5 years I have absolutely refused to take any antibiotics cause they are very aggressive, they hurt your digestive organs, they don't boost your immune system at all and the infection which you defeat with antibiotics can easily come back. But doctors won't really tell you that.

Did you not get the introspective abstraction effects of weed? I know it takes my thinking to another level. That's what I always liked most about weed, not so much the giggles or the munchies, or the body high. I liked how it changed the way my mind worked.
If the anxiety is cognitive in nature, then therapy + exercise.

If the anxiety is neurological in nature, then exercise + perhaps meds. If the anxiety is a comorbidity of something else (common), treat the something else first and then see what happens with the anxiety.

As for generalized drug talk, I’ll just say that I have tried a lot of things, and some of them, I tried many times.

The combination of tending toward navel-gazing, hedonism, and attempts to self-medicate for a disorder I didn’t know I had resulted in years of use that turned into (what was for me) abuse.

Which is to say, the high became a low.

Still, no regrets, inasmuch as I like who I am today, and where I am today, and I wouldn’t be who and where without the good and bad of drugs (among many other things).

The irony being that now I take Rx’d medication daily which has a high potential for abuse. But this is now, and that was then.

i've experimented with all kinds of drugs, pretty much everything short of cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, a lot of dissociatives, and some of the more addictive opiates. i've struggled with anxiety and mild depression, but i feel like drugs have done nothing but help me learn about myself and gain a lot of insight about the world.
I don't like drugs. But I've been thinking about them lately because my anxiety and personaliy are getting a bit too intense for me. I seem unable to function without constantly over analyzing everything and getting all emotinally wound up no matter what. I don't like prescription drugs because alls they seem to do is level you off completely, into a zombie like mode. I'm also worried that losing all of the anxiety will leave me without motivation to do anything good with my life.

Personally, I do not like drugs either. To deal with my stress, I often game, go for a walk, read, or use CBD. CBD helps with my stress, severe back pain, and mild insomnia. Smoking weed helps with these too, but I smoke mainly recreationally only on occasion because of its psychoactive effects. Also, smoking makes me less productive, and generally less motivated. So I smoke only on the rare occasion, recreationally, or if I’m severely stressed. I do a lot of abstract internalized thinking in my free time, and smoking helps me to see things in a different way. This is because I’m able to see and connect dots that I did not see before.

If you are only seeking to deal with your stress, CBD may help. Marijuana has many medical benefits, but I do not like to use it often because of its psychoactive effects, and the negative stigma surrounding it. Unfortunately, the stress from overanalyzing, getting too emotionally wound up, and having to socialize more than I’m comfortable with often leaves me very drained. This requires a healthy way to deal with these stressors, but the demand of everyday life leaves me very little time to unwind and recharge. My girlfriend is schizophrenic, so my normal stressors feel amplified, and my need stress relief is very real. She is incapable of understanding my need to recharge, which makes it even harder. Lately, I’ve been going on late night walks after she falls asleep to unwind, and vaping CBD to help with my stress. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with smoking weed as long as you’re being responsible, but if you are able to, there are other “healthier” options out there. At least that is what I have chosen for myself, and I would never do anything more than smoke weed, because I have seen how drugs can destroy lives. One of my first girlfriends only smoked weed occasionally, but after becoming addicted to the medication for her back pain, she moved on to harder drugs. She was a single mother before I met her, and was amazing at taking care of her child. The harder drugs made her become negligent, and now her mother has custody of her child. I broke up with her when she started snorting her pills for her back pain, and shortly after her mother managed to get her into rehab.

My two best friends are twins and borderline stoners, but they do not allow smoking to interfere with work. They have good stable jobs, and smoke responsibly. They are ambitious and hard workers, unlike the stereotypical stoner that loses all ambition and motivation to move forward in life.

TLDR: CBD can help with stress, if you’re looking for a non-prescription drug without the psychoactive effects. Smoking weed is okay, especially for the medicinal benefits, but smoke responsibly. There are options to deal with stress not involving the use of drugs, but you need to figure out what personally relaxes you. Writing, reading, going on walks, meditation, and exercise can help clear your mind and relieve stress.
did the drug thing. . no more. Weed is legal here, and still not interested. Too many times doing stupid things for me to go back to it. If I really feel the need to chill, well that's why God made Jack Daniels