Dying bees

Pesticides is my thought, lately what they have been finding in the dead colonies is a fungus and a virus the question is does it come after the deaths of the bees (Having a lot of dead matter around can cause disease.) or is it killing them. My crop isn't dying in the summers but rather over the winter. 4 out of 70 of my colonies made it through the winter last year, so most of my crop this year came from new packages. This year I'll be treating with formic acid so I'll see if that works any better than what I did last year. I did pull in a reasonably good crop this year however despite the troubles I came across, other beekeepers in my area didn't do quite so well, but it seems to vary from location to location.
It's not rocket science. What do we have more of now than we've had in the past? Think of one thing and then add everything else to it. Just like they say with disasters and plane accidents, it's rarely just one thing that causes them.
Cell phones.
It's not rocket science. What do we have more of now than we've had in the past? Think of one thing and then add everything else to it. Just like they say with disasters and plane accidents, it's rarely just one thing that causes them.

Actually there is quite a bit of complicated science involved with working this issue of colony collapse disorder out. Researchers, and scientists have been working with beekeepers trying to find the exact causes for this since about 2005.
Huh? I wasn't referring to nobody being around to bang the queen. It was about collecting pollen. That's pretty kinky what the queen does tho. Hawt!
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Drones aren't supposed to come back home, the workers drag them out to die once they have served their purpose. The queen can impregnate herself.
Just like a woman...
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Huh? I wasn't referring to nobody being around to bang the queen. It was about collecting pollen. That's pretty kinky what the queen does tho. Hot!

ah, the workers collect pollen not the drones. Basically the drones sole purpose is to initially impregnate the queen. What your saying makes sense otherwise though so it just threw me off a bit.
It could be something like mad-cow disease: a deformed protein, which catalyses normal proteins into the deformed configuration.

This would be nearly impossible to detect/identify.