Dying bees

Capitalism and a lack of wealth redistribution killed the bees.

Being a collective they would rather commit seppuku than submit themselves to such a self-serving society.
I think Einstein once said something about bees? I think it's probably a consequence of human population increase. I think it's a worry, but sadly I think overfishing of the seas is an even bigger problem. Hopefully we'll resolve both of them. I do think both demonstrate that natural systems do not conform to political systems, of any kind.
My question is, if the bees are dying, where are all the bodies????? I don't see how we can figure the cause of bee disappearence without being able to perform necropsies. The most intriguing thing about this mystery is that the bees just disappear and we don't know where they go. It's the same strange sensation I got as a child watching a documentary on the sudden disappearence of Mayan civilization.