Please don't be offended by my skipping pages 4-7 by my own impatience on what i want to say here...
Strangely, I find a lot of the younger generation to be far more resiliant to these things than they lead on. There are two sides of the coin here. on one side we have the "Snowflakes", the other, the "boomers"
okay. so, with this; most of these "boomers" will perpetuate a lot of their dogmatic resolutions using their "old" tactics. It kinda incorporates with the he said / she said frothbucket.
So it boils down to which one we see first.
On the boomer side, they say these things which also includes words like "entitled" and "butthurt" where they feel that catagorizing one individual into a large mass of working class communists who say potato to be cute.
On the snowflake side, they just push it all aside and say to the boomer, "OK boomer" and let it go (queue the song.)
Now, in some detrimental thing, i have found that from the younger generation, they are more often than not trying to just live life. While the older generation are tryng their damndest to make america great again. (even if they are not living in america.)
But we also gotta realize something with the rise of social media. most social media has an age barrier... which considerably changes the sociological data here.
truely it is those who are of the "boomer" age, who try being "hip and cool" with the younger generations who are easily offended.
Kids nowadays are more prone to just enjoy some netflix, youtube, or some sorta video game.
People often forget as they get older, that humans are a simple species. While growing up we see something on television or around our physical reality, and it becomes something we build a resiliance towards. (for an example... i grew up being bullied as well, so my resilliance is pretty damn fortified.)
It is the fact that they are doing the exact opposite "anti-bully" campaigns on television programs like cartoon network. etc. that kinda instill this forementioned thought of a lack of resillience... (i really hope i am spelling resillience correctly.)
Those various things are movements in a correct direction for so many... but I have to say, if i was never bullied... i probably would be an ISFJ or and INTJ... in many aspects. (i find it weird how so many of these posts are connected in my little fantasy world...)
So really, the factor is that most of their "being easily offended" is due to heresy and propaganda by those who have lived in a pre-google society. (great now i sound like i am about to start a conspiracy lol)
i could easily say pre-internet society... but before google became a superpower, there were trolls, there still is... but they are huddled in various locations outside of google's grasp. (4chan, deep web, and such.)
Google designed an algorithm that floods your internet into something of your own little world. (even if you use duckduckgo... or other "privacy focus" sites.
(please read this all in the voice of Hermoine or Twilight Sparkle... or um anyone who explains things in a calm and prompt tone... to better understand how i am pointing this out. not in some crazed maniac that is seeking to destroy the world if no one listens. ie a conspiracy nut or "ITS THE END OF THE WORLD! i figure this may help my being understood better... on what my intent is on this weird speech...)
i shall resume reading these pages.
Strangely, I find a lot of the younger generation to be far more resiliant to these things than they lead on. There are two sides of the coin here. on one side we have the "Snowflakes", the other, the "boomers"
okay. so, with this; most of these "boomers" will perpetuate a lot of their dogmatic resolutions using their "old" tactics. It kinda incorporates with the he said / she said frothbucket.
So it boils down to which one we see first.
On the boomer side, they say these things which also includes words like "entitled" and "butthurt" where they feel that catagorizing one individual into a large mass of working class communists who say potato to be cute.
On the snowflake side, they just push it all aside and say to the boomer, "OK boomer" and let it go (queue the song.)
Now, in some detrimental thing, i have found that from the younger generation, they are more often than not trying to just live life. While the older generation are tryng their damndest to make america great again. (even if they are not living in america.)
But we also gotta realize something with the rise of social media. most social media has an age barrier... which considerably changes the sociological data here.
truely it is those who are of the "boomer" age, who try being "hip and cool" with the younger generations who are easily offended.
Kids nowadays are more prone to just enjoy some netflix, youtube, or some sorta video game.
People often forget as they get older, that humans are a simple species. While growing up we see something on television or around our physical reality, and it becomes something we build a resiliance towards. (for an example... i grew up being bullied as well, so my resilliance is pretty damn fortified.)
It is the fact that they are doing the exact opposite "anti-bully" campaigns on television programs like cartoon network. etc. that kinda instill this forementioned thought of a lack of resillience... (i really hope i am spelling resillience correctly.)
Those various things are movements in a correct direction for so many... but I have to say, if i was never bullied... i probably would be an ISFJ or and INTJ... in many aspects. (i find it weird how so many of these posts are connected in my little fantasy world...)
So really, the factor is that most of their "being easily offended" is due to heresy and propaganda by those who have lived in a pre-google society. (great now i sound like i am about to start a conspiracy lol)
i could easily say pre-internet society... but before google became a superpower, there were trolls, there still is... but they are huddled in various locations outside of google's grasp. (4chan, deep web, and such.)
Google designed an algorithm that floods your internet into something of your own little world. (even if you use duckduckgo... or other "privacy focus" sites.
(please read this all in the voice of Hermoine or Twilight Sparkle... or um anyone who explains things in a calm and prompt tone... to better understand how i am pointing this out. not in some crazed maniac that is seeking to destroy the world if no one listens. ie a conspiracy nut or "ITS THE END OF THE WORLD! i figure this may help my being understood better... on what my intent is on this weird speech...)
i shall resume reading these pages.