Emotional "flashbacks"


Before you all get in a tizzy about PTSD, that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm referring to with "emotional flashbacks" is something that happens to me about twice a day. I'll be occupied with something, and I'll suddenly have a vague recollection of a memory, from any time in my life. The memory doesn't usually have much detail.
For instance, an hour ago I was playing the piano, when this happened. I recalled a piano recital from years ago. All I remember is one moment during a song, and a distinct feeling of pride and self-accomplishment.
Other times, I'll remember conversations I've had with close friends. But I don't remember what the conversation was about - I just feel a short swell of emotion that relates to the conversation.
There isn't really a correlation between when this happens, and what I remember, but the feeling is always positive (which is good, I suppose).
Anyways, does this happen to anyone else?
Yes, this happens to me, both for positive and negative.
I think its triggered by certain sensory input. Smells especially can trigger memories without our awareness. I often have flash backs to dreams, or memories that seem to be triggered by a certain sequence of (often mundane) thoughts. When I was a kid, I went skiing alot, and when I was in specific places I would invariably think and feel the same things.

Also, PTSD flashbacks can sometimes be a purely emotional flashback to the emotional state at the time of the trauma. though this is obviously not what you're thinking
This happens frequently, but I tend to associated it mostly with Si. That Ni dominants do it too seems a bit odd. I have heard some claim that Ni can work very much like Si at times but tends to be vaguer. In me much more detailed recollection does tend to happen a second or two after the initial flash of familiarity.
For me, it seems like i get some flashbacks but in my daydreaming, i get a lot of emotional flash forwards.

I often "remember" the past, which is triggered by a random event, and yes, it makes me emotional. But doesn't everyone do that?
This happens frequently, but I tend to associated it mostly with Si. That Ni dominants do it too seems a bit odd. I have heard some claim that Ni can work very much like Si at times but tends to be vaguer. In me much more detailed recollection does tend to happen a second or two after the initial flash of familiarity.
I think I'm 66% N, if I remember right. But this makes some sense, as "sensing" seems more likely to stimulate memories than "intuiting."

I often "remember" the past, which is triggered by a random event, and yes, it makes me emotional. But doesn't everyone do that?
This happens to me, too, but what differentiates it for me is not having much detail, just the emotion.
I have these... quite a lot. o.o

The smallest things can trigger something that happened years ago for me.. quite like it in a way ^_^
I agree, I really like it. I had another one today, also during piano. Something about trees, and it was great.
I think I'm 66% N, if I remember right. But this makes some sense, as "sensing" seems more likely to stimulate memories than "intuiting."

This happens to me, too, but what differentiates it for me is not having much detail, just the emotion.

Yes Si may stimulate memories more but Ni stands for daydreaming. S is very grounded so i think that N types (in this case Ni) are more prone to nostalgia because of the daydreaming thing. I do recognize that S can daydream too though.

Emotion with no detail is something i experience too.
I get these all the time.

(And I love the term "emotional flashback"... that's great! haha)

And it is different than nostalgia, for me, Peppermint. I can long for something that happened in the past and not feel like I'm in that moment.

A "flashback" is a bit less intentional. I'm not necessarily conscious of thinking about a time or place, where nostalgia I begin thinking about an event or person. A flashback catches me off guard, and is much more of a "gut" thing than a head thing for me.
Yes, I get this ALL the time. I kinda thought everyone did it but apparently not in quite the same way, perhaps? I hadn't ever thought about how an S or N might 'flashback' differently