So then what defines a J? I could have sworn it was closure.
And I didn't say there were J or P themselves, but that's their character traits.
And I know it was normal, SOTL said so.
There are 4 Judging functions:Te, Ti, Fe, and Fi
There are 4 Perceiving functions: Se, Si, Ne, and Ni
The J in MBTI indicates that one's strongest judging function is extroverted (Te or Fe) and strongest perceiving function is introverted (Si or Ni). A P indicates that the strongest perceiving function is extroverted (Se or Ne) and strongest judging function introverted (Ti or Fi).
For extroverts, the strongest extroverted function is the strongest function overall, the dominant function. For introverts the strongest extroverted function is the auxiliary function, and the strongest introverted perceiving function is dominant. The strongest function of an IxxJ is a perceiving function, and of an IxxP is a judging function.
MBTI follows the pattern that one's third strongest function is the opposite attitude of the opposite function as one's auxiliary, and the aspirational (4th) is the opposite attitude of the opposite function of the dominant.
ENFP = Ne>Fi>Te>Si
ENFJ = Fe>Ni>Se>Ti
Stereotypes about judgers are mostly based on Si, Te, and to a lesser extent Fe. Ni doesn't really make it into the stereotypes because sensors are 3 times as common as intuitive, SJs make up almost half of the population, and INxJs are the rarest types.
In Socionics, a j or p points to whether one's overall strongest function is judging (here technically called rational) or perceiving (called irrational), regardless of its attitude. For extroverts this works the same as in MBTI, but for introverts it is reversed.
Socionics follows the pattern that the 3rd function is the same attitude of the opposite function as the 1st, and the 4th function of the same attitude but opposite function as the 2nd.
Technically, Socionics does not deal with feeling or thinking preferences. It terms these Ethical and Logical preferences instead. The original theory prefers to use symbols, but for convenience MBTI nomenclature is often used. This can be misleading though, as the functions are not defined identically
= extroverted logic ("Te") = basically the same as extroverted thinking (Te)
= extroverted ethics ("Fe") = much more like introverted thinking (Fi) than extroverted feeling (Fe)
=extroverted sensing ("Se") = sort of half way between introverted and extroverted sensing (Si and Se)
= extroverted intuition ("Ne") pretty much the same as MBTI's extroverted intuition (Ne)
= introverted logic ("Ti") = basically the same as introverted thinking (Ti)
= introverted ethics ("Fi") = much more like extroverted thinking (Fe) than introverted feeling (Fi)
= introverted sensing ("Si") = sort of half way between introverted and extroverted sensing (Si and Se)
= introverted intuition ("Ni") = pretty much the same as MBTI's introverted intuition (Ni)
An ENFp is someone with
, which is basically Ne > Fe > S > Ti
An ENFj is someone with
, which is basically Fi > Ni > Te > S
The way that the ranking of the functions work is a bit different too though, with 3rd sometimes seeming more like aspirational than tertiary.