I've done some thinking, Von, and I have some serious doubts about my ENFJness. There are a lot of things that just don't jive. For one, the dominant Fe.
Having read a number of ENFJ profiles and other forum testaments as to what ENFJ's are like, it's obvious that "people" are what an ENFJ is about. Building connections, teaching, preaching, saving the world, and upholding the ideals of a community... that isn't me. Of course, I care about people and I want those close to me to feel good and be happy, but it isn't my top priority. If I do utilize people-skills, they are to my own ends. I don't go out of my way for other people unless I like them. I'm not drawn to being the head of a social committee for the sake of being with people; I'd be drawn to being the head of a social committee because it would make me feel better about myself knowing that I had the ambition, the skills and the drive to be able to obtain it. Helping other people is just gravy. I'm more me-focused than anything else... and I wouldn't wither away if I lived like a hermit for the rest of my life.
Funny you should post this the day before three of my INTJs all hit me with the INFJ stick.
They systematically proved to me that I am an INFJ. Two of these INTJs know me very well. One of them knows me better than anyone. The third INTJ had never met me and was a very good outside opinion - as well as an MBTI expert (as in teaches a class on Jungian psychology at university... I could go on at length about picking this guy's brain, but that's another thread). They all agreed. When three INTJs agree. You can be pretty sure they are right.
The consensus was as interesting as how they came to their conclusions. It was obvious that I am an N an F and a J, so the debate focused on whether or not I am an I or an E.
I internalize and ponder a great deal, and can't get over something until I've figured it out for myself. Talking about it doesn't make me feel better, in fact it makes me feel worse if there is no resolution to the problem. Talking to someone
who can help me figure it out does make me feel better, and that's why I love my INTJ friends because they are so good at helping me unravel what I cannot.
When I am hurt or angry, my initial response is to pull away and be alone until I can calm down. Once I begin to stop being overwhelmed, my next desire is to be alone with one other very trusted person who can comfort and counsole me.
An interesting point the new INTJ made was asking me what kind of MBTI type I seek most in those moments, and the answer was an INFJ or an INTJ. He asked why, and I said 'Because they understand me'. This is when he pointed out that's when people are looking for a mirror to reflect upon. Profound.
Next up was pointed out that I have IN-J pacing and timing to my thought process. My mind moves at the same rate and often to the same places as the IN-Js. I don't think at the same pace as EN-Js, which is something interesting they pointed out. Each dominant or secondary perception function has a pace at which they process information. For example, ENTPs and ENFPs both think at light speed. INFPs and INTPs both think at the same pace, which is quick, but kinda staggered with moments of ponder in between the bursts. INFJs and INTJs both have jumps of processing and tend to jump at the same times, often starting sentences at the exact same time. ENFJs and ENTJs do the same thing but have a smoothness and weaving to them rather than the IN-J jumps.
Lastly, they mentioned something that I had never really noticed before. Extroverts dump whatever is bothering them verbally on someone, and then they're fine. I don't do that at all. I internalize everything and ponder it until I have it figured out, and then I might just ponder it some more. I don't have that extrovert gift of letting it go once it's 'out there'. Even more so, I've always been an intensely private person, not wanting much about me to get 'out there'.
Put these together, and while I have a strong Fe, I start at Ni.
When I wake up, I'm Ni. My imagination is more important to be than helping people, and I regularly get lost in it when I should be paying attention to or helping others. This is without a doubt the first function I get and the last one I lose, proving it to be my primary.
My Fe doesn't get going until I wake up but takes reflexive precedence over my Ti, but not my Ni. If I have an intuition that I shouldn't help someone, I won't. If I have a logical reason not to help someone, I'm going to lean toward helping them if the two seem equal. The only time my Fe is online when I wake up is when I wake up fully refreshed with a lot of energy, aka I'm awake enough to get to my secondary function. Another proof that I'm not Fe dominant is that I'm just no good at politenesses, and I never have been. I try. I always forget and miss the timing cues. It's not that I don't care, I'm just too far into whatever my Ni is focusing on to catch the right moment to say the right phrase at the right time, and this is one of my biggest self criticisms. My Fe is always getting mad at my Ni for this, proving that my Ni runs this show, even though as a secondary function Fe
really does care about people. It's the parent function.
My Ti gets going after that. I can form Fe rationalizations and reactions before I can problem solve. I've always thought this was kind of odd. Also, Ti is definitely my play function, proving it to be tertiary.
My Se is really only active when I'm wide awake, and is the first to go when I get tired. I can tinker with things most of the time, but the Se impetus is something that I have to be really awake to engage. My 'Go! Go! Go!' is only available in rare situations when I'm not fully awake and even then requires adrenalin. Working out doesn't really make me feel better psychologically, and I've read many times that tertiary Se will do that. I usually just feel like 'ok I got that out of the way'. I look forward to tinkering with my Ti. This really says to me that my Se is my inferior function. The descriptions of inferior Se fit me pretty spot on.
I think what I am is an INFJ with a strong Fe and a fairly solid Se when I need it, which give me the appearance of an ENFJ from time to time, even though I only aspire to this.
Again, this proves what I've thought for a long time. I'm just not as cool as an ENFJ. I'd love to be, but I'm not. I fake it well due to good function development, but my priorities are INFJ. I know ENFJs, and I just don't have that, not the way they do. I don't have their inherent Se 'get to itness'. I always ponder more than I act, and what direct Se-ness I have I've learned and developed because I got really tired of getting left behind and losing out. My Fe is also developed, though it came easier to me. The one thing I haven't had to develop is my Ni. It's always just been there.
(For the record, no ENFJ alive would ever have posted something as detailed as this. This much Ti would be to them like a really long work out would be for us - arduous, almost pointless, and only done when absolutely needed, and never 'for fun'.)