Enneagram and the Emotionally Abused Types

I was actually going to say the exact opposite, but I don't know much at all about what emotional abuse does to a person.

it kills you
High intelligence level does not make a person immune to abusive relationship. I still can't see how the interaction between two mentally sound and healthy people can become abusive on a continuous basis without them first going down their mental health level. Having said that, healthy people are much more uncommon than people of average and lower health...most people seem to be broken in some way.

This is right...
People with healthy self-esteem and sound mental health don't abuse one another.

People may not always be sparkling angels to one another-- but two mentally and emotionally sound people will not just degenerate into a pattern of abusive behaviours.

It's not a normal outcome of a relationship. Abuse occurs because one or both parties are obsessed with dominating the other as a way to overcompensate for their own insecurities and unchecked issues...

An abusive personality is a pathology.

Unfortunately, the majority of abusive people will justify their actions and abusive nature to avoid confronting their issues and getting help.
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