Enneagram - Levels of Integration/Disintegration for Each Type


So I stumbled upon these the other day. They're info-graphics summarizing the levels of integration for each enneagram type; as far as I can tell, you can only find them on the site if you pay for the test, so I figured I'd save most of you the $10. I found them quite informative. Here you go:

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

Type 5

Type 6

Type 7

Type 8

Type 9
Wow, these are pretty interesting. Thanks for posting them!
here, here!
Very accurate. I can see my type transitions by looking at this model. I remember typing 4w5, then 5w4 and now 6w5. I can see where the first two types happened when I was going through some personal things so they reflected my mood or feelings at the time. But 6w5 reflects me better today because I can see my strengths and weaknesses better presented as a 6. I think as we grow and change, our development will be reflected in our type differences.