It is our lack of connectedness and wholeness that plagues our world. If we were so perfect and connected, the world would not be so ugly. We delude ourselves and make ourselves feel better if we fall for that prattle. We must learn to connect with the other. Our world does not need any more isolated saints.
no the problem is that we are connected and whole at this very moment. We only can't see it. How could we not be connected since we are all part of life/tao? We are just forgotten this and the search for connectedness is what makes us misserable because the search leeds us farther away from feeling the connectedness.
I tried this out and it works. I have always been searching for love, wholeness outside of me and believed that something is wrong with me. It has never helped me to be more connected and it made me more isolated. But the more I realise I'm already connected within, the more I feel connected to others, the more I believe I'm perfect the why i am, the more I have to give to people, the more harmonious my relationships are, the more I love people.
Last week I met a lady that had written a book about this (she had the exact same view on it as me). Her charisma was overwelming. She was very much centered and focussed on herself. She didn't say much or do much to help people but at the same time she gave so much love to the people in the room and being in her presence made me feel more connected myself, more at peace, more able to love.
believing that you are connected, makes you more connected with other people
you say this is selfdeluded but I think it is a paradox. It seems not to be the right answer when you think about it, therefore we are afraid of it, but I feel it in every cell of my body that it is the way.
Morgain, I don't think it is so bad if you feel jealous from time to time. Just know that you have a lot of gifts that many of us would love to have, and that you share them with others so freely that it blesses us with them. Just continue to be who you are. We approve.
as for finding the connection that you are missing, I think the secret is that we must find this as a whole, no one person can find it alone. But there has not been a spiritual teacher yet who has taught this secret. Maybe someday there will be one.
no there have been so many spiritual leaders that have found it: Jesus, Boedha, the writers of the tao te tjing, the mystici and desert fathers. This secret is written in every ancient book of wisdom. We only don't see the secret because we are searching in the wrong place
I finally found my worth in my children. I never found it in myself. They taught me my worth. The answer does lie in others. Self-help is overrated.
I can't rely on others to make me feel worthful. In fact if someone would say me that I am, I wouldn't believe. I can only believe it when I realise it myself and allow myself to believe it. The answer lies within.