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- Enneagram
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STOP USING E7 TALK THEN! It gets me all excited

5 here and what is this?
E9 stuff, well apparently, kinda. I'm sure they appreciate the emoticons

5 here and what is this?
I love this quote:
We have sometimes called the Nine the crown of the Enneagram because it is at the top of the symbol and because it seems to include the whole of it. Nines can have the strength of Eights, the sense of fun and adventure of Sevens, the dutifulness of Sixes, the intellectualism of Fives, the creativity of Fours, the attractiveness of Threes, the generosity of Twos, and the idealism of Ones. However, what they generally do not have is a sense of really inhabiting themselves
Hey, Lurk!
Where did that quote come from, babes?
Hey-ay. A place that could just about my home page: Enneagram Institute
I've never read that before.Mostly, I think, because I hung around the 6-ish side so much. I honestly thought I was a 6...but I realized I was an unhealthy 9 with some study.
Another great reference site on Enneagram, with an especially helpful part on instincts is here: info from the underground (and the instinct stacking part).
"Nines and Sixes can easily mistype or be mistyped by others, although Nines more commonly mistype or are mistyped as Sixes than the reverse. This is exacerbated by the fact that both Sixes and Nines tend to be blinded to the nature of their respective fixations. In addition, many Sixes do not appear to be visibly anxious and some Nines do. Overall, however, Nines lack the nervous mental energy of type Six. Nines moreover tend to be trusting and optimistic about the future; they tend to see the best in others. This is almost never the case with Sixes who have a suspicious streak, generally believe that there is something possibly threatening just below the surface and often have a very cautious view about the future outcome of present events."
I love ocean's site - I'm 9w1 sp/so, which can get a little weird with the INFJ side, but it all makes sense for me. The Enneagram can truly put it all together and put type in perspective.
I used to think that I was a 4. I definitely show a lot of their traits in my personality, but even though that is what I tested, I started reading about the different types...healthy and unhealthy and felt that I could easily relate to all of them, but not completely....The fours need some representation on this thread.
Nine is the crown of the enneagram. We have all of the qualities of the other types compressed into one master race![]()
What do you mean?The only thing I find frustrating, specifically, about me being a 9 and most other people not being a nine is when I have something inside my mind that I want to express, but when it comes out in life language it doesn't convey the meaning I intended.