I've been seeing an ENTP for a little over 2 months, and he's not getting on my nerves yet...but he's not really of the hyperactive chatterbox variety. He's usually calm and collected.
Its just one of their obsessions. I'm not sure why they're drain to us. But its not what I consider flattering. Its usually creepy. Even if its a female ENTP looking for a male INFJ. it still bothers me.

With all do respect I don't agree. I get along and am understand much better by other INFJs. Other types can get close. But INFJs are served better by similar rather than opposite as fair as personalities of friends and others close to them.

You'll say that until you find the right ENTP :) Yes we do have a tendancy to come off as creepy but only because we recognize you for what you are (special).

INFJs are understood by other INFJs, true. But that's just an alliance. INFJs need a compatible ENTP to make their dreams come true and ENTPs need INFJs to have purpose.
I've been seeing an ENTP for a little over 2 months, and he's not getting on my nerves yet...but he's not really of the hyperactive chatterbox variety. He's usually calm and collected.

Aren't the chatterbox kind ENFPs (Inspirer)?
INFJs don't need ENTPs. INTPs will do just as well, if not better. The first letter of MBTI types is not very important to compatibility, but for those with strong preferences there it is better to stick with one more similar than different.
INFJs don't need ENTPs. INTPs will do just as well, if not better. The first letter of MBTI types is not very important to compatibility, but for those with strong preferences there it is better to stick with one more similar than different.

INTPs don't have the power that INFJs need to be unleashed
Wellz, if you don't mind Negative, I am going to move this thread to the MBTI subforum, since the discussion is turning into type and functions. =)
Introverts tend not to need some power to come unleash them. We come out of our shells well enough on our own when the wanton energy of extroverts is not around to drive us back within. Often introverts extrovert most when around even stronger introverts. INTPs can unleash a lot of power too when the time is right.
*raises hand*

I find it even more interesting that people that are mistyped are trying to speak for certain demographics.

Anyways, if I were to base my opinions on the first INFJs I’ve met then I would assume that all INFJs are idiots.

Now see, I wasn’t so close minded so I’ve found some INFJs that I’ve come to really appreciate and vice versa. :D
You'll say that until you find the right ENTP :) Yes we do have a tendancy to come off as creepy but only because we recognize you for what you are (special).

INFJs are understood by other INFJs, true. But that's just an alliance. INFJs need a compatible ENTP to make their dreams come true and ENTPs need INFJs to have purpose.

Case in point. A common ENTP response that only ENTPs can make (INFJ's) be the best they are. INFJs don't need an EXXX to raise their ability trust me.

Also again this post reinforces the creepy vibe many ENTPs have when it comes to such things.

*raises hand*

I find it even more interesting that people that are mistyped are trying to speak for certain demographics.

Anyways, if I were to base my opinions on the first INFJs I’ve met then I would assume that all INFJs are idiots.

Now see, I wasn’t so close minded so I’ve found some INFJs that I’ve come to really appreciate and vice versa. :D

Thats ok we don't mind. We know we are awesome. And frankly we are accustomed to being over looked by extroverts. We don't need an ENTP to know what our value is.

Introverts tend not to need some power to come unleash them. We come out of our shells well enough on our own when the wanton energy of extroverts is not around to drive us back within. Often introverts extrovert most when around even stronger introverts. INTPs can unleash a lot of power too when the time is right.

Yes exactly. The harder an and extrovert pushes the farther the Introvert will pull away and disconnect. Sadly the extrovert simply continues to push until they loose the connection with the introvert. They are left wonder why someone wouldn't want them to keep pushing them and invading their space. This thread is a good example of this.
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Case in point. A common ENTP response that only ENTPs can make (INFJ's) be the best they are. INFJs don't need an EXXX to raise their ability trust me.

Also again this post reinforces the creepy vibe many ENTPs have when it comes to such things.

Thats ok we don't mind. We know we are awesome. And frankly we are accustomed to be over looked by extroverts. We don't need an ENTP to know what our value is ecte.

Yes exactly. The harder an and extrovert pushes the farther the Introvert will pull away and disconnected. Sadly the Extrovert simply continues to push until they loose the connection with the introvert. They are left wonder why someone wouldn't want them to keep pushing them and invading their space. This thread shows a good example of this.

INTPs don't have the power that INFJs need to be unleashed

Who says an INFJ needs "power" to be unleashed? From what you have explained so far, you seem to think that you know exactly what all INFJ's will need, and you seem to assume that you are exactly what they need. Neither of these are reliable because you are using yourself and yourself alone as the example for this precedent. If you knew INFJ's as well as you seem to think you do, then you should know that INFJ's often (and in general most NF's) do not like directly told who they are and what they need. In particular when it is in the context of referring back to the individual who made the claims in the first place.

The fact of the matter is, any type can potentially get along and forge meaningful relationships with any type. Of course, there are trends that point to more likely harmonious relationships. I would be inclined to agree that ENTP and INFJ can be a good pair up, but there are many over arching factors that are needed to be taken into consideration in order for this to work. That goes for any pair up. You must also keep in mind that human psychology is much more complex the just 16 different types. I can tell you from personal experience, and just being on this particular forum for a number of years now, that within all of the INFJ's we have on here, some of us are very different from each other in rather marked ways.

There are other personality factors that determine how well someone can get along with others. I will use enneagram for example, as that is another method at which you can describe people (and there is a weak corralation at best between it and MBTI). This theory describes a lot of holes that MBTI simply doesn't discuss in regards to how one thinks and what drives them. Because of that, not all INFJ's and ENTP's are created equal. Same goes for all other types. There are countless ways to measure up personality, and the number of exact combinations that can line up is in the millions.

I can say for me personally, I am doubtful that most ENTP's would be a good match up for me. While I will not disregard someone just because they are ENTP, I generally do not mesh well with them. Ne tends to get on my nerves quite a lot, and I don't jive with that thought process well. While I can not state an exact type that I am "best" for, I am fairly confidant that for me, I would be best with a J type, but that is largely because I am personally an extremely strong judging type.

In all, you can't state in such a overarching way what is best for another. Let alone stating in such a way where you seem to know someone better then you know yourself, which is a tricky path to take.