Equality of opportunity


Rothchildian Agent
Do you take advantage of the opportunities which are open to you? Do you think that opportunity is real or illusory? If it is real is it mitigated or limited?

I am sure that there are structural obsticles to people exercising or taking advantage of opportunity, economists have now said that returns on investment will out strip economic growth for the foreseeable future, therefore a system in which the rich get further riches and everyone else subsists with little is locked in, but I also have come to believe that in a very real, real sense resources have been made to actively encourage people to proactively pursue all opportunities open to them and they are not and will not.

The difficulty and effort involved in taking advantage of opportunities are judged too great, therefore an acknowledgely bad situation wont and cant be changed, not even with support or encouragement.

I'm into fitness training, or at least I have been for more than a year now and perhaps in part because of this I dont eschew effort and difficulty, its part of it and rewards without effort are not things that I like the idea of very much, sure it'd be great to win the lottery or discover buried treasure or a bag full of cash or some other scenario like that but if it happened everyday and was not in some way exceptional it would not be special or interesting at all.

What are you're thoughts on this? I know I gave an economic example there and this is often thought of through the lense of politics but I'm thinking about it in its broadest philosophical sense, other examples would be the "why am I still single whine", when opportunities exist to change that, or I think Public Enemy posted directions to a website for an inlay card to one of their CDs, the reason they gave for doing so was to get people in their fan base to familiarise themselves with technology because they felt they hadnt done so but had every opportunity to do so.
I find that most people will not recognize opportunity unless it is presented to them with a dollar sign attached.
I find that most people will not recognize opportunity unless it is presented to them with a dollar sign attached.

I agree with this 100%.

Opportunity is what you make of it. In terms of work, you create opportunities for yourself by exceeding expectations, building networks and relationships, and showing to others that you are driven, motivated, and hard working - regardless of if there is a monetary outcome. I think 'opportunity' needs to be clarified, because I see it as something that can progress me in my career- therefore, it's not just money, but also how can I gain notoriety and credibility - and this often comes from volunteering or doing things without the expectation of being rewarded.