If ESTJs are the ideal of masculinity, then what are ESTJ women, the ideal of tomboy-ness?
This is way those sort of questions don't make sense, because the problem is complicated, its not a onesided thing where a straight answer can be given.
I really like ESTJ men, they are like my heroes. Their courage, determination, steadfasteness and resolutness reminds me of the medieval descriptions of the choleric temperament, that have a "drive to greatness".
They appeal to me, as a ideal kind of person, someone that which I aspire to be.
But then what is with ESTJ women? To me personaly...their voice is coarse and "broken", with no delicacy. But right there are the same qualities that ESTJ males have...courage, determination, practical wisdom and many other virtues...its just that she is a woman...does that sudenly change anything?
So to be clear: as a INFJ male, I find no attraction in ESTJ women whatsoever, althought I like very much ESTJ men. Quite a paradox.
So could it mean that ESTJ women are not "womanly" or "feminine"? They are women... but they are not feminine?
To me yes...but what about a INFP male, for example? To a INFP male, a ESTJ woman is very feminine and pleasant. I'm not making this up, this is usualy the impression of INFP males on ESTJ females. ( just very soon, a friend of a friend of mine who is a INFP got married with a ESTJ woman. They meet, liked each other like magnets, and got married quikly).
If we apply the theological measure that differenciate between a man and a woman...it is a mistery. It is only written that they are different, altought very similar in many ways, but different, because that's how they were created. No, its not about rationality vs sentimentality (by the way, ESTPs, considered a stereotypicaly male type, are not very rational at all. Se is not a rational function, its a very spontaneous and perceiving function!), or about strenght or weakness, or about pride vs humility...its just that a man is different than a woman, and vice versa.
If we apply other standards...what are those? The feminist standards (I'm surprised no one mentioned this, because to me the thread itself logicaly is a insult to feminism!)? "Alpha ve beta" standards? (but there are some women who can not be "alphed" or intimidated in any way by any alpha male, for example a ESTP woman...alphas can wait in line for these kind of women!)?