I don't see it happening any time soon. While people who live in superstates believe it is possible, there are just too many cultural and perspectival differences that prevent this from coming into being.
I don't think that it will necessarily be bad, but there are too many cocks in the coop to ever reach a consensus.
The EU is a multicultural agreement, but that doesn't mean that there aren't oppositions or diagreements among the members. Some people just like to spread short-sightedness by putting whole nations into one cup and saying they are all the same. That is not the case, nor will it ever be. You first have to look at each government individually and count the seats for each party, sum them up internationally and then see what the trend looks like. In addition, you also have to consider the trend among the general populace of each country, because there are high percentages of non-voters who also have opinions.
You all with your conspiracies are just looking at individuals who don't even possess enough power to do what you think they will do. They won't, because currently there is too much dissent in each of the nations to worry about global changes. The problem with this is that the people rarely worry about what they should be worrying about, being the instant gratification monkeys that they are.