There is a big difference between science which forms tentative explanations based on observable phenomena and theology which asserts absolute explanations based on supernatural phenomena.
That difference can be summed up in one word.
Virtually everything you own, from the kind of food you eat, to the roof over your head, has been the result of a scientific process of trial and error, experimentation, and the formation of better explanations. Theology has offered the opposite. It has stood in the way of progress time and time again by asserting it already holds all the answers.
The theory of evolution may be imperfect, but it is no way equal (or inferior) to creationism. It is based an objective, data gathering process, not on a subjective, faith based process.
Yes, thank you! That is a great point.

Theology can often be used as a barrier that impedes progress, and why? Because it is a powerful tool that can be twisted for personal gain, to be used to control and repress people... but does theology itself harm? That I have not seen proof as of yet.
And I agree. The theory of evolution is not equal or even inferior to the theory of creation. In fact, can they even be compared? They are not even from the same playing field. Science cannot disprove anything that is not part of the natural world. That is the only field science can play in. To use scientific arguments against creationism is impossible, because creationism relies centrally on something supernatural.
All I wanted to point out is...
They both have holes in their argument and, logically, to prove evolution does not by any means disprove creationism. And in order to prove creationism... one can only rely on afterdeath. Unfortunately, if you die and meet God and find out creationism is right, it's not like you can jump from your casket and tell everyone.
So either way, the argument between these two theories can continue on indefinitely without either side winning is destroyed by a random meteor? LOL