I invite those reading this or listening, to take a couple deep breathes into the center of your chest, visualize arriving at a temple, and even before removing your shoes, wrap up any judging, any agendas of what you may think this is, and any notions about what belief is and take that folded up bundle and leave it outside the temple gate. This is an invitation to suspend logical rationality and read as though your best friend or dear loved one sent you a hand written letter in the mail. Thank you for choosing to be here beautiful soul. Let us expand on common ground in the realm of unconditional love.
These last couple years have felt like a divine injection of conscious transformation not only for myself, but the world too. As we have all experienced massive change to our entire societal structure, I want to express how it's a transformation for every one of us that is collectively shared. I have experienced intensely quick healing close to spontaneous remission, that isn't explainable by any medical realm, and is closer to what our ancient texts say about the essence of god that we all are, although this new energy of transformation is available to us all now. All of our healing and evolution as an intelligent loving consciousness is asking for our co-creating abilities to be realized and it's more accessible than ever before on our planet. We are all enlightened already, we are multi-dimensional beings in a infinite ocean of Love, joined by galactic neighbors and interdimensional entities.
Looking ahead...well...I ask what may appear to be a simple question. How big are we really? An occurrence of random evolution, alone on a rock in the vast infinite sea of stars? Created by an omnipotent entity supposedly all Loving, yet creates us and says if we don't do the right thing we will be punished in fire for ever? Some recent rediscoveries have changed the way I perceive what I am here for. Here to do. Here to be. How I see looking ahead. And what I consider core truth about how I see my soul. This change is shattering all that I considered important and serious. So I spose I can say I look forward to this moment right now. It's the only one I breathe from, the only moment we live in. Along with these perception alterations, my concept of time has transformed from a linear transactional system, to the assurance of entropic evolution/Consciousness Evolution. In fractal spiral time, which way are we headed? Forward or Backward? In or Out? As I look forward through the lens of one moment, I see infinite possibility; frame upon frame of me in scenes, though have they happened already; how am I seeing all these potentials? As I cast my gaze back, I see drops of my experience falling into the bucket of memory; and beyond my life 10,000 more drops. And with both experiential and infinite possibility in either direction, in this present moment I choose to create my experience. I realized those potentials exist right now in the multi-dimensional field of consciousness where there is no there, no time, no distance though I can access it. This is the potential power we all have in us. To manifest the joyful, blissful, Happy states of Love that we all desire. This multi-dimensional field is a sort of collective vision board for our potential evolution. Our individual thoughts are what shape this creation as a whole. How we create not only our lives, but that of the planets is reflected by the vibrational energy of our thoughts. Think thoughts aligned with feelings of unity, peace, love, gratitude, and joy and the field conspires to make that happen. So I've looked at what am I truly wanting to create, whilst understanding it's completely possible to realize our potential as creators of our own reality. In a universe of Infinite Love as a being co creating with that Love, looking at how our planet has rattled through the polarization of conflict, fear, and ignorance, how can I push the boundaries of what is possible? What is limitless? What is unconditional?
My practice of manifesting is visualizing the experience with elevated emotions of joy, gratitude, awe, and some more gratitude, which I don't know exactly how the experience will come about, but that is the whole point of being self-aware as Conscious Co-creators, to be surprised at the newness that is each moment and not be casting my sight into a future that only exists in the transitory subjectivity of mind identification. And as I raise my consciousness into higher vibration to match that of Love, to match the frequency of my desired experience, I ask the universe(which is just as much the creator as I am)to bring me that experience I desire and I don't know how the universe will do it, but the how is not my job. My job is to not Do anything, to relax, to let go to the natural state of being in this moment, free from the anxieties and stress of agendas, expectations, and outcomes. So I look forward to a bunch of things, though ultimately, out of the infinitude of stuff I can ask for, there's one that helps me again and again realize my truth. "Dear Universe/Spirit/God/Guides, show me what it is I need to know." This says you are inviting that which is always present and wants to help, into your energetic field of potential. And you'll know what's being shown to you, it'll keep being shown in ways unique to your being. It's just that I see all things in this world as one experience of life, through infinite perspectives that can only come about in the Now. No matter how much I think about the future and the outcomes, whenever that event or experience comes around, if I am in an expectation mind set, I will always be let down because the mind isn't rooted in presence.
The moment comes around, say a meal at a favorite restaurant, the mind in visions it in one way based on subjective conditions also based from memory; the meal comes and the mind says what's for desert, and after that, what's on the tv when I get home, and what's for breakfast...An identification with mind creates a false reality because it can't perceive from presence, dissonance is what's created, which is where stress and dis-ease come from. Heart-Mind Coherence becomes vital. From the loving awareness of my heart, the eternal moment can be allowed, and it turns out I don't desire anything from that beingness. I see that I already am that which I desire. What do I look forward to from here? Being free. Well I was born free. And I see my predicament as a being in form with the heaviness of this incarnation; desires, neurosis, habits. Not pushing my humaness away in an extricatory attempt to force my freedom, since that is another way the ego can be "phony wholey", sounds a bit like, "I haven't smoked a cigarette in 6 months-2 weeks-8 days-and 11 hours." That sounds like the fear and stress of not smoking is gonna kill ya and not the cigarettes. So again I look to the experience I desire, which is anything that cleans up the distance that's between me and god, me and Love, me and Source, I only use different terms because our consciousness is still evolving to remember it's all the same thing. It's funny how nothing external can help the clean up.
Within our being we see that our beliefs, ideas, agendas, and conditions can be brought to the surface in the light of consciousness, revealing the perception of how the world is perceived is entirely an inside job, undertaken by the individual being. In total acceptance of our selves, we recover the spark of being that sees us loving life every moment, of an answer to all hesitations and wonderings in fear, anxiety, stress, and suffering. Total acceptance looks like sitting down putting awareness in heart and asking god, "show me if more love is real. if you exist, show me." That's what I did and drew my profile picture a week later(the divine hand that reaches to those who ask that is always there). I was at a stuck moment, a big sticky point in life where my perception and beliefs of the world weren't holding up to how I wanted to feel, to think, to live. In my vulnerability, I invited god, at the core of it, the benevolent presence that only and always Loves us and wants to help, all we gotta do is ask.
How much can be allowed in the idea of infinite Love? Well from within, drastic changes do occur in perception. Unconditional is no conditions. Sounds simple, although the deception we have endured for eons has had deeeep roots in our collective and genetic memory. Yet do not waver in the face of ignorance. As we look at ourselves like never before on this planet, our willingness to be free is shared by each one of us. The freedom to believe that peace on this planet is not only achievable, it is a given. The surfacing darkness we've treaded through is seeing the light for the first time in awhile. This darkness has been here, festering in our consciousness as lower vibrational energy and as we rise together, know that the surfacing shadows disperse in the light of Higher Consciousness. Bringing awareness to our hearts is the way we connect our energies in unity, allowing for compassionate action to exponentially assist us as we transform our beautiful world into the light, as a shared evolving consciousness.
So I look forward to anything, any experience that brings me closer to unconditional love, to Love, to my self, and as I consciously bring my awareness to my heart, every experience becomes griss for the mill of my intention to Love unconditionally. Gratitude and Compassion are my greatest tools, and I plug them in from my heart, understanding my mind is an important aspect, but not the main perception point to manifest from. The vital aspect of the entire happening is Consciousness. And Consciousness is biased towards Love. As I plunge the depths of my being, the survival consciousness of "go here do that, gain this lose that, getting and collecting" is seen as quite a departure from unconditional love. So I look forward to an Earth where all beings are in sovereignty of our uniqueness and unified in our shared desire to Love and be Loved in equity, no matter how we express that Love. This is multi-generational work and this vessel probably won't be here to see that Earth. How big am I? Well unconditional infinite love sounds like I am eternal and that feels true, awesome, and just good to believe. We don't die. We don't end. I will see Earth as an ascended planet, with a different face and I will see all of you too, there is only one space.
Thank You for experiencing a fellow soul trying to make sense of this unknown human experience we all share, as best I know how right now. If this struck you as even a tiny bit intriguing, or some questions formed in your being, or maybe it's pretty "far out", or perhaps some of it you felt is true and you don't know what, comment your query, write about it yourself, or let it bounce around that vast being that you are. In truth I know enough to know I know nothing, however the deconstructing of our beliefs from a limited being to a innate knowing what we are, as unlimited aspects of Benevolent Creative Source that has no end and is here right now on Earth for the simple purpose of choosing to come here in such tremendous times because you knew your light is needed. Right Now. Maybe you see that doing it the old way, with old ways of thinking, of believing, of seeing your self aren't going to work and aren't working this very breath. Well your rolled up judgements and suspension of agenda and it yours? How big are we? Maybe we are so much grander and so much more magnificent than what we've been told.
These last couple years have felt like a divine injection of conscious transformation not only for myself, but the world too. As we have all experienced massive change to our entire societal structure, I want to express how it's a transformation for every one of us that is collectively shared. I have experienced intensely quick healing close to spontaneous remission, that isn't explainable by any medical realm, and is closer to what our ancient texts say about the essence of god that we all are, although this new energy of transformation is available to us all now. All of our healing and evolution as an intelligent loving consciousness is asking for our co-creating abilities to be realized and it's more accessible than ever before on our planet. We are all enlightened already, we are multi-dimensional beings in a infinite ocean of Love, joined by galactic neighbors and interdimensional entities.
Looking ahead...well...I ask what may appear to be a simple question. How big are we really? An occurrence of random evolution, alone on a rock in the vast infinite sea of stars? Created by an omnipotent entity supposedly all Loving, yet creates us and says if we don't do the right thing we will be punished in fire for ever? Some recent rediscoveries have changed the way I perceive what I am here for. Here to do. Here to be. How I see looking ahead. And what I consider core truth about how I see my soul. This change is shattering all that I considered important and serious. So I spose I can say I look forward to this moment right now. It's the only one I breathe from, the only moment we live in. Along with these perception alterations, my concept of time has transformed from a linear transactional system, to the assurance of entropic evolution/Consciousness Evolution. In fractal spiral time, which way are we headed? Forward or Backward? In or Out? As I look forward through the lens of one moment, I see infinite possibility; frame upon frame of me in scenes, though have they happened already; how am I seeing all these potentials? As I cast my gaze back, I see drops of my experience falling into the bucket of memory; and beyond my life 10,000 more drops. And with both experiential and infinite possibility in either direction, in this present moment I choose to create my experience. I realized those potentials exist right now in the multi-dimensional field of consciousness where there is no there, no time, no distance though I can access it. This is the potential power we all have in us. To manifest the joyful, blissful, Happy states of Love that we all desire. This multi-dimensional field is a sort of collective vision board for our potential evolution. Our individual thoughts are what shape this creation as a whole. How we create not only our lives, but that of the planets is reflected by the vibrational energy of our thoughts. Think thoughts aligned with feelings of unity, peace, love, gratitude, and joy and the field conspires to make that happen. So I've looked at what am I truly wanting to create, whilst understanding it's completely possible to realize our potential as creators of our own reality. In a universe of Infinite Love as a being co creating with that Love, looking at how our planet has rattled through the polarization of conflict, fear, and ignorance, how can I push the boundaries of what is possible? What is limitless? What is unconditional?
My practice of manifesting is visualizing the experience with elevated emotions of joy, gratitude, awe, and some more gratitude, which I don't know exactly how the experience will come about, but that is the whole point of being self-aware as Conscious Co-creators, to be surprised at the newness that is each moment and not be casting my sight into a future that only exists in the transitory subjectivity of mind identification. And as I raise my consciousness into higher vibration to match that of Love, to match the frequency of my desired experience, I ask the universe(which is just as much the creator as I am)to bring me that experience I desire and I don't know how the universe will do it, but the how is not my job. My job is to not Do anything, to relax, to let go to the natural state of being in this moment, free from the anxieties and stress of agendas, expectations, and outcomes. So I look forward to a bunch of things, though ultimately, out of the infinitude of stuff I can ask for, there's one that helps me again and again realize my truth. "Dear Universe/Spirit/God/Guides, show me what it is I need to know." This says you are inviting that which is always present and wants to help, into your energetic field of potential. And you'll know what's being shown to you, it'll keep being shown in ways unique to your being. It's just that I see all things in this world as one experience of life, through infinite perspectives that can only come about in the Now. No matter how much I think about the future and the outcomes, whenever that event or experience comes around, if I am in an expectation mind set, I will always be let down because the mind isn't rooted in presence.
The moment comes around, say a meal at a favorite restaurant, the mind in visions it in one way based on subjective conditions also based from memory; the meal comes and the mind says what's for desert, and after that, what's on the tv when I get home, and what's for breakfast...An identification with mind creates a false reality because it can't perceive from presence, dissonance is what's created, which is where stress and dis-ease come from. Heart-Mind Coherence becomes vital. From the loving awareness of my heart, the eternal moment can be allowed, and it turns out I don't desire anything from that beingness. I see that I already am that which I desire. What do I look forward to from here? Being free. Well I was born free. And I see my predicament as a being in form with the heaviness of this incarnation; desires, neurosis, habits. Not pushing my humaness away in an extricatory attempt to force my freedom, since that is another way the ego can be "phony wholey", sounds a bit like, "I haven't smoked a cigarette in 6 months-2 weeks-8 days-and 11 hours." That sounds like the fear and stress of not smoking is gonna kill ya and not the cigarettes. So again I look to the experience I desire, which is anything that cleans up the distance that's between me and god, me and Love, me and Source, I only use different terms because our consciousness is still evolving to remember it's all the same thing. It's funny how nothing external can help the clean up.
Within our being we see that our beliefs, ideas, agendas, and conditions can be brought to the surface in the light of consciousness, revealing the perception of how the world is perceived is entirely an inside job, undertaken by the individual being. In total acceptance of our selves, we recover the spark of being that sees us loving life every moment, of an answer to all hesitations and wonderings in fear, anxiety, stress, and suffering. Total acceptance looks like sitting down putting awareness in heart and asking god, "show me if more love is real. if you exist, show me." That's what I did and drew my profile picture a week later(the divine hand that reaches to those who ask that is always there). I was at a stuck moment, a big sticky point in life where my perception and beliefs of the world weren't holding up to how I wanted to feel, to think, to live. In my vulnerability, I invited god, at the core of it, the benevolent presence that only and always Loves us and wants to help, all we gotta do is ask.
How much can be allowed in the idea of infinite Love? Well from within, drastic changes do occur in perception. Unconditional is no conditions. Sounds simple, although the deception we have endured for eons has had deeeep roots in our collective and genetic memory. Yet do not waver in the face of ignorance. As we look at ourselves like never before on this planet, our willingness to be free is shared by each one of us. The freedom to believe that peace on this planet is not only achievable, it is a given. The surfacing darkness we've treaded through is seeing the light for the first time in awhile. This darkness has been here, festering in our consciousness as lower vibrational energy and as we rise together, know that the surfacing shadows disperse in the light of Higher Consciousness. Bringing awareness to our hearts is the way we connect our energies in unity, allowing for compassionate action to exponentially assist us as we transform our beautiful world into the light, as a shared evolving consciousness.
So I look forward to anything, any experience that brings me closer to unconditional love, to Love, to my self, and as I consciously bring my awareness to my heart, every experience becomes griss for the mill of my intention to Love unconditionally. Gratitude and Compassion are my greatest tools, and I plug them in from my heart, understanding my mind is an important aspect, but not the main perception point to manifest from. The vital aspect of the entire happening is Consciousness. And Consciousness is biased towards Love. As I plunge the depths of my being, the survival consciousness of "go here do that, gain this lose that, getting and collecting" is seen as quite a departure from unconditional love. So I look forward to an Earth where all beings are in sovereignty of our uniqueness and unified in our shared desire to Love and be Loved in equity, no matter how we express that Love. This is multi-generational work and this vessel probably won't be here to see that Earth. How big am I? Well unconditional infinite love sounds like I am eternal and that feels true, awesome, and just good to believe. We don't die. We don't end. I will see Earth as an ascended planet, with a different face and I will see all of you too, there is only one space.
Thank You for experiencing a fellow soul trying to make sense of this unknown human experience we all share, as best I know how right now. If this struck you as even a tiny bit intriguing, or some questions formed in your being, or maybe it's pretty "far out", or perhaps some of it you felt is true and you don't know what, comment your query, write about it yourself, or let it bounce around that vast being that you are. In truth I know enough to know I know nothing, however the deconstructing of our beliefs from a limited being to a innate knowing what we are, as unlimited aspects of Benevolent Creative Source that has no end and is here right now on Earth for the simple purpose of choosing to come here in such tremendous times because you knew your light is needed. Right Now. Maybe you see that doing it the old way, with old ways of thinking, of believing, of seeing your self aren't going to work and aren't working this very breath. Well your rolled up judgements and suspension of agenda and it yours? How big are we? Maybe we are so much grander and so much more magnificent than what we've been told.