Excitable personalities


I have a family member who is extremely excitable or seems to be at least in comparison to me :D. I often find it difficult to not feel overwhelmed when i'm relating to them. But i can also be intense myself. But what i notice is that highly excitable people are sometimes not aware of how being excitable affects those they interact with. Sometimes, it's just too much.

So, how do you relate to excitable personalities?

Are you an excitable person? How do others react or respond to you?
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I have a professor here at FCC who's personality can be completely overwhelming. He's the kind of guy who can and will strike conversation with a complete stranger. Case in point, my first semester at FCC, on my first day of classes I had decided I was going to for a early morning swim. After I got done with my swim I went to take a shower in the SUB's bathroom.

I hear someone enter get in the shower next to me(there are 7ft cinder block walls separating shower stalls), I hear the shower turn on, the next thing I know I'm being asked "who are you?" which follows with one of the most awkward conversation experiences of my life.

He can be overwhelming at first but once you get to know him, you get to love him.
Eh, yeah, I just slowly back away from them. :m082:
So, how do you relate to excitable personalities?

Are you an excitable person? How do others react or respond to you?

I've been told I am. Countless times, really. Heh.
How do others react or respond to me?
I don't think I'm in the position to answer that. Lol.
I'd just get uncomfortable. That, and I don't see how I act so. :P

But how do I relate to excitable personalities? Wonderfully, I'd say.
I have a friend or two who are, and we're almost always euphoric.
Drug effect without taking them? F YEAH.
I think I might be at times. But I have no idea.
No duplex mode for me. I am either talking or listening. Not much of both at the same time.
It depends on what they are excitable about at the time.
I have a professor here at FCC who's personality can be completely overwhelming. He's the kind of guy who can and will strike conversation with a complete stranger. Case in point, my first semester at FCC, on my first day of classes I had decided I was going to for a early morning swim. After I got done with my swim I went to take a shower in the SUB's bathroom.

I hear someone enter get in the shower next to me(there are 7ft cinder block walls separating shower stalls), I hear the shower turn on, the next thing I know I'm being asked "who are you?" which follows with one of the most awkward conversation experiences of my life.

haha, within the context this image is hilarious; ".... who are you?" the whole scene just cracks me up.

i haev a sis thoug whos 6w7, very excited but i'd agree with baranabas, i couldn't imagine family events without her bc she brings the fun level up a notch with her out going nature. sometimes it is too much for me, but usually i'd prefer her company more than not.
What do you mean by excitable? Like could you explain more?
One of my sisters is very excitable--she is like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh--T-I-Double G-E-R. Bouncy and everything to boot. We get along well but she can be exhausting to be with. I must say that the adventure quotient doubles or triples around her though.

One of our recent adjuncts was also very personable. We used to say that being around him was like being stuck in a closet with Marmaduke. We called him Marmaduke behind his back too.

I don't think I have an excitable personality but I have been known to be an attention grabbing ho. I did do theater for 6 or so years and being with theater people tends to make you dramatastic. I wasn't all into the cry-boo hoo-like drama but more like the larger than life drama--so in a way, I guess for a couple of years I was an excitable person.
I can be, it all depends on the mood and the situation. Also how close I am to those I am sharing this "excitement with". Once I open up, I can be a crazy machine. Always jumping around, saying random ideas, being overly affectionate etc :)
Around friends, I'm one of the most excitable people to be around. Less "OH MY GOD!" excited, more "what if this, that, this, and that too" excited. The conversation will change from candy to porn to space exploration and back to candy.
...Then we do our best to link em all together. More easily entranced by something that interests me, and excitement comes with that. A good bit of excitement comes with that if the environment stays positive and funloving :m200:
What do you mean by excitable? Like could you explain more?

Not sure if this is the correct definition but someone who is a bit energetic and very expressive.
There are too many different personalities that fit that description. Some are really annoying to me. Some are fine. It depends.
There are too many different personalities that fit that description. Some are really annoying to me. Some are fine. It depends.

you're right. It's vague and unfair actually. Actually, i am rethinking the thread topic. My post sounds discriminating against someone who is energetic or expressive, which shouldn't be the case. So, yeah.

It's funny because the person i was thinking about as being too excitable always makes an effort to enjoy life despite whatever circumstances they are handling. Which is a good thing. :)
I think I would fit under the "excitable people" category. Sometimes people ask me to slow down and stop being hyper. I'm not usually hyper. I'm definitely enthusiastic a lot of the time and energetic as well. Sometimes it rubs off the people around me and sometimes I can tell they're a little annoyed by it. I tone it down a bit if they're too annoyed. I also have my own quiet moments though. I'm not always excitable and energetic.
If by excitable you mean demonstrative and enthusiastic, Yes! I have tried to crank back on the demonstrative part because of a sensitivity to it making some people uncomfortable. I think my enthusiasm can have the same effect on some people. :mhula::m200:
I am accused of 'excitableness'!!!

However, what I will say to that is that the men I have deep and meaningful, intense, relationships with have been INFJs!!!

I sometimes hate myself for being me, and yet sometimes I am grateful for my personality. I have lots of friends but I feel that my 'intensity' is SO annoying, that I don't understand how they can tolerate it. I annoy myself!! Having said that, my optimism gets me through the worst of life!

I appreciate I must repel people by my eternal excitement but on the whole it does seem to draw people and as I said, romantically, INFJs!!
I am accused of 'excitableness'!!!
However, what I will say to that is that the men I have deep and meaningful, intense, relationships with have been INFJs!!!
I sometimes hate myself for being me, and yet sometimes I am grateful for my personality. I have lots of friends but I feel that my 'intensity' is SO annoying, that I don't understand how they can tolerate it. I annoy myself!! Having said that, my optimism gets me through the worst of life!
I appreciate I must repel people by my eternal excitement but on the whole it does seem to draw people and as I said, romantically, INFJs!!

I can relate with this! Except today.... and yesterday >.> evil flu makes you feel like you're half dead.

But that optimism!!! Don't you feel like.... You can't think realistically sometimes? As if well... how should I explain it... Your "rational" side keeps reminding you that this positive thinking is getting way out of hand and that there is a limit. But somehow the "dreams" and the "hopes" for a different more positive future always dominates your mind! It's as if I can't help myself! It's as if there's a huge struggle going on! Whenever I think "Having such high hopes regarding this situation can leave you even more torn and depressed in the future" And the moment after that I immediately think "But by simply believing in a positive outcome you will create self fulfilling prophecies". Which is definitely true! I often feel so lucky and blessed in life! It's as if I force myself into a "proactive" "hope driven" stance whenever I'm faced with depressing times. I definitely see this... inability to be "rational" this..."delirium" more as a blessing than a curse.
My new O chem lab partner. Goodness, I would've never thought all that evnergy could be retained within a 4'10 woman at 8 in the morning, but she does it.

This is part of the reason that I agreed to be her lab partner, her enthusiasm is refreshing and will definitely wake me up :)

I am 40, so a bit more history of my personality to look back on.

People ALWAYS tell me I am unusual, so much so that it makes me feel that I must be mad!!! I just cannot stay down for long!! Even in the most dire of circumstances I can laugh and I can always feel hope. Many don't understand it . . . . I don't always, but I am very glad of it because it has got me through some very difficult times. That isn't to say I never get depressed, or down, but there is always this sense of, it is going to be okay, and outwardly to others, I am always laughing. For instance, on Sunday I was with a group of people and laughing, joking, having fun etc yet in my life I had major problems. Later I had cause to ring a friend that had been in the group about these issues and he was shocked because I had been in the centre of things earlier, laughing. My friend was surprised I had these problems because of the way I had acted earlier. His term was that I was 'bubbly' but you could also say 'exciteable'. I don't get it. It is just me, but I am able to be happy even when overwhelmed with problems. Many find this strange, weird and therefore irritating. I can understand that. However, as I say, I am glad of it on the whole. INFJs on the other hand would probably withdraw and be quiet, but hey! I am opposite. I embrace the differences.