Executive Order To Keep Criminals Off The Streets?? No gun violence in jail.

Nope. Feel free to talk about socio-economic status or institutional racism until your fingers bleed though.

From this sentence, it seems that you aren't open to discussion on the topic. If I have misunderstood feel free to correct me. Otherwise, I won't waste either of our time.

DHooohohoho fuck logic amirite?
Yeah I just checked. Got my numbers messed up. I was thinking 50 billion. 50 Million isn't that significant to spread around the nation. Even so, he hasn't done anything bad with the executive order beyond using it in this way. I do think we seriously need to better fund than that.

As a lifetime member of the NRA I think background checks are reasonable and logical from the stand point that I have no issue with the law itself. However as I have said before, give an inch and they take a mile. Before long they determine that if you are something lesser than a violent criminal you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun etc.

Even so...the measure is still useless so why pass it at all other than for show?

DHooohohoho fuck logic amirite?

What are you trying to say here? Males are more likely to commit crime? Or is this all just a sham where the justice system has it out for males specifically? Thats what I thought!
Why vote?

We have a republic, as long as we can keep it.

Outside Independence Hall when
the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended,
Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin,
"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"
With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded,
"A republic, if you can keep it."

Unfortunately we do not have a republic any longer. And tbe chance to go back gets further and further away every day we sit and allow our sitting law representatives to break the law unchecked.
As a lifetime member of the NRA I think background checks are reasonable and logical from the stand point that I have no issue with the law itself. However as I have said before, give an inch and they take a mile. Before long they determine that if you are something lesser than a violent criminal you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun etc.

Even so...the measure is still useless so why pass it at all other than for show?

I agree. I think that background checks are very reasonable. I think it reasonable that felons, the mentally ill, domestic abusers, and just those prone to violence through their criminal record should be screened for their ability to responsibly own firearms. Some of the more contentious issues are where to draw the line and where to make exceptions. This is a huge grey area open to much interpretation.

The Supreme Court already protects the law abiding citizen's right to carry firearms. Their interpretation of the second amendment will likely serve as a very long lasting precedent. This is a very fragile freedom because on the one hand protection from civil disorder and criminals is demanded by citizens of any civilized nation, which requires some form of regulation. Too much regulation and you disarm citizens' right to defend their lives and property, including from a corrupt government. Our country also has a complicated history with gun rights that go back as far as the English Bill of Rights, with reference to even older common laws. Protecting the right to bear arms was imperative for a country that faced the injustices that came with being a colony and not having the full rights of English citizens. But we live in very different times today. Today there is much political drama that centers around the ridiculous idea that government itself is evil and tyrannical, when what is to fear is a government that is not representative of its people.

Case in point is the fact that an overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens support background checks on people before they purchase guns. It boggles my mind that there are states that do not require them at all and they are likely aiding, even if unknowingly the arming of criminals with guns. Congress, being heavily lobbied by the NRA, does nothing and is hence not being representative of the People. What an irony it would be if citizens who support gun regulation to protect them end up usurping a government that opposes any serious attempt to regulate. Of course, it would be unlawful for law abiding citizens to do such a thing, right?

What is troubling to me about the right to carry firearms to protect against a "tyrannical" government is that different political factions have very different understandings of tyranny, so even if one faction thought that rebellion and usurpation was a necessity, it would not be a representation of the People, but their own faction and ideologies. But, what is most troubling is that these factions fail to see the bigger picture, which is that we live in a pluralistic society and that government is a necessity to facilitate between all of the factions. This is so one faction doesn't dominate with complete authority,which would be tyrannical.
What are you trying to say here? Males are more likely to commit crime? Or is this all just a sham where the justice system has it out for males specifically? Thats what I thought!

I'm saying stupid shit because fuck logic like I already said. Everybody else is doing it so fuck it.
I agree. I think that background checks are very reasonable. I think it reasonable that felons, the mentally ill, domestic abusers, and just those prone to violence through their criminal record should be screened for their ability to responsibly own firearms. Some of the more contentious issues are where to draw the line and where to make exceptions. This is a huge grey area open to much interpretation.

The Supreme Court already protects the law abiding citizen's right to carry firearms. Their interpretation of the second amendment will likely serve as a very long lasting precedent. This is a very fragile freedom because on the one hand protection from civil disorder and criminals is demanded by citizens of any civilized nation, which requires some form of regulation. Too much regulation and you disarm citizens' right to defend their lives and property, including from a corrupt government. Our country also has a complicated history with gun rights that go back as far as the English Bill of Rights, with reference to even older common laws. Protecting the right to bear arms was imperative for a country that faced the injustices that came with being a colony and not having the full rights of English citizens. But we live in very different times today. Today there is much political drama that centers around the ridiculous idea that government itself is evil and tyrannical, when what is to fear is a government that is not representative of its people.

Case in point is the fact that an overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens support background checks on people before they purchase guns. It boggles my mind that there are states that do not require them at all and they are likely aiding, even if unknowingly the arming of criminals with guns. Congress, being heavily lobbied by the NRA, does nothing and is hence not being representative of the People. What an irony it would be if citizens who support gun regulation to protect them end up usurping a government that opposes any serious attempt to regulate. Of course, it would be unlawful for law abiding citizens to do such a thing, right?

What is troubling to me about the right to carry firearms to protect against a "tyrannical" government is that different political factions have very different understandings of tyranny, so even if one faction thought that rebellion and usurpation was a necessity, it would not be a representation of the People, but their own faction and ideologies. But, what is most troubling is that these factions fail to see the bigger picture, which is that we live in a pluralistic society and that government is a necessity to facilitate between all of the factions. This is so one faction doesn't dominate with complete authority,which would be tyrannical.

This whole thing is mostly for show I agree, however; It takes many common sense laws that have already been implemented in various places around the nation for years now and have proven track records and is attempting make those nation-wide laws.
Because right now you can do this in Alabama and get arrested for it in CA.
Everything else about Obama putting you on some national registry so they can round them up later is just fear mongering and it wouldn’t work to boot.
There are something like 3 guns for every man woman and child in the US, combine that with an Army, or Police force that is unwilling to open fire on civilians and would probably be on your side if the Govt. fucked up that bad anyhow.
I don’t honestly know what all the fuss is about.


On another note here..I bet Jesus would be super-cool and would probably open carry himself into Arby’s and shit as he blessed people (cause if you eat there you’ll need prayers).
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DHooohohoho fuck logic amirite?

The world probably would be an immensely better place if only women were in it.:-) You could take all of the semen in the banks and just pull off the X chromosones from them and crime rates would plummet. Then again lots of men have something going on where they don't do that stuff... Hell, if you all want men to start lining up for euthanasia, I'll be among the first.
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This whole thing is mostly for show I agree, however; It takes many common sense laws that have already been implemented in various places around the nation for years now and have proven track records and is attempting make those nation-wide laws.
Because right now you can do this in Alabama and get arrested for it in CA.
Everything else about Obama putting you on some national registry so they can round them up later is just fear mongering and it wouldn’t work to boot.
There are something like 3 guns for every man woman and child in the US, combine that with an Army, or Police force that is unwilling to open fire on civilians and would probably be on your side if the Govt. fucked up that bad anyhow.
I don’t honestly know what all the fuss is about.


On another note here..I bet Jesus would be super-cool and would probably open carry himself into Arby’s and shit as he blessed people (cause if you eat there you’ll need prayers).

The 10th Amendment is biting the country in the ass.
The 10th Amendment is biting the country in the ass.

How so?
Because the Fed govt. does have power to do whatever it wants basically.
How so?
Because the Fed govt. does have power to do whatever it wants basically.

Well it's either the states getting in the way or the Fed being incompetent.

That means the Fed is either impotent or incompetent. Either one should be a red flag to not trust or depend on them.
The world probably would be an immensely better place if only women were in it.:-) You could take all of the semen in the banks and just pull off the X chromosones from them and crime rates would plummet. Then again lots of men have something going on where they don't do that stuff... Hell, if you all want men to start lining up for euthanasia, I'll be among the first.

Love yourself.
The world probably would be an immensely better place if only women were in it.:-) You could take all of the semen in the banks and just pull off the X chromosones from them and crime rates would plummet. Then again lots of men have something going on where they don't do that stuff... Hell, if you all want men to start lining up for euthanasia, I'll be among the first.
Finally! Someone with a level head!
Well it's either the states getting in the way or the Fed being incompetent.

That means the Fed is either impotent or incompetent. Either one should be a red flag to not trust or depend on them.

Well, the states do have the power to supersede the government, the supreme court and the POTUS but it has to actually go to states vote (which will never happen for a myriad of reasons). But no…it’s like all the asshole states that haven’t expanded medicaid or medicare even though the SCOTUS ruled that Obamacare does have the right to make you buy it. They lost…plain and simple…I think Obamacare sucks but it is better than what we had before and I can back that up.
So now because you claim “states rights” you don’t have to enforce what is clearly law.
The states failed to address the situation, so the government stepped in…people can cry about it all they want, point is people were dying, and the altruistic Christian community (who own most large hospital conglomerates) wasn’t stepping in to fill the void.
Medical bills are STILL the number one reason for filing bankruptcy in America…that’s stupidity at it’s finest.
Rant over
Well, the states do have the power to supersede the government, the supreme court and the POTUS but it has to actually go to states vote (which will never happen for a myriad of reasons). But no…it’s like all the asshole states that haven’t expanded medicaid or medicare even though the SCOTUS ruled that Obamacare does have the right to make you buy it. They lost…plain and simple…I think Obamacare sucks but it is better than what we had before and I can back that up.
So now because you claim “states rights” you don’t have to enforce what is clearly law.
The states failed to address the situation, so the government stepped in…people can cry about it all they want, point is people were dying, and the altruistic Christian community (who own most large hospital conglomerates) wasn’t stepping in to fill the void.
Medical bills are STILL the number one reason for filing bankruptcy in America…that’s stupidity at it’s finest.
Rant over

SCOTUS has ruled in favor of states before based on the 10th so it goes both ways.

Also background checks in particular are not nation wide because SCOTUS ruled it to be against the 10th amendment back in 1998.

Thanks for the Rep!
What would you know about keeping your flappy mouth unflapping?
Thanks for also assuming I know nothing…or at the very least assuming I’m ignorant in some manner regarding Jesus.
I know Jesus very well…last year he really hooked me up with some really nice rims for my car man.

Seriously…If you can’t say something nice - don’t say anything at all Mr. Christian.
And the whole comment made about Jebus was that he wouldn’t be a gun-toting open-carry nut…I would think that’s pretty safe to assume?
But by all means school me on the part in the Bible Jesus took apart his M-16 blindfolded and beat all the other disciples?
Or remember that one passage about him using the Samurai sword (as depicted in this highly accurate GIF)?
And the whole comment made about Jebus was that he wouldn’t be a gun-toting open-carry nut…I would think that’s pretty safe to assume?
But by all means school me on the part in the Bible Jesus took apart his M-16 blindfolded and beat all the other disciples?
Or remember that one passage about him using the Samurai sword (as depicted in this highly accurate GIF)?

Hey, there was that South Park episode where Jesus and Santa fought so its not like he was a complete pacifist.
Hey, there was that South Park episode where Jesus and Santa fought so its not like he was a complete pacifist.
Jesus fights a lot of people on SP…hehe Krull...
