Exercising Tips and Ways to Make the Metabolism Faster

Thanks for those cool tips @niffer and [MENTION=3753]bronson_[/MENTION]

However, with the stress thing, I tend to gain more weight when under stress. I crave chocolate so much!
Your metabolism isn't slower at night. That's actually a myth. Your metabolic rate is actually fastest during your first sleep cycle and gradually decreases as morning approaches (which is why you should be eating breakfast shortly after you wake up). The only things you shouldn't be eating at night are carbs and sugars because your activity level is low towards the end of the day and they won't be properly utilized. Your body is using that time to rebuild stressed muscle and is generating growth hormone. You should only feed it what it needs. If you're hungry at night, go ahead and have a small protein-based meal and some veggies. Your body will thank you.

I would also be incredibly careful about heeding people's advice about using caffeine to speed up your metabolism. While its true that caffeine can give your metabolism a temporary boost, and even help you drop a few pounds in the beginning, upping your caffeine intake is actually a terrible strategy for the long-term. As your body adjusts to caffeine, it starts to compensate and actually slows down your metabolism. Caution with any sort of supplementary stimulants (thermogenics, taurine, green tea, etc) is strongly advised. They are only short-term solutions as your body can easily come to depend on them as a crutch.

Also, as a quick aside: you should always be drinking two cups of water for every cup of caffeinated beverage you consume per day.

A nutritional diet, exercise, weight-training and proper sleep are really the only key things that can help you increase and sustain your metabolism long-term.
Really?! How do you know? Whoah! I eat carbs at night to help me fall asleep. I hear eating protein before bed is good either.

I agree with that though the only exception is green tea. Green tea is just plain good for you.

Genetics are a key part as well. It's a lot harder for some people to lose weight while others just eat red-meat every night and are told to gain weight!
Really?! How do you know? Whoah! I eat carbs at night to help me fall asleep. I hear eating protein before bed is good either.

I agree with that though the only exception is green tea. Green tea is just plain good for you.

Genetics are a key part as well. It's a lot harder for some people to lose weight while others just eat red-meat every night and are told to gain weight!

The reason why carbs help you fall asleep is because your body converts it to sugar very quickly; the result is a temporary spike in blood sugar, followed by a sudden and drastic dip that resorts in a sugar crash and andrenal fatigue. That crash is actually what makes you sleepy... and that's not good at all. Why? Because your body has just been given a huge boost of energy, but hasn't used it, so that crash is like it saying "No? You don't need this extra energy? Okay, well, I'll just store it away for later..." And where does your body store its energy? That's right. Fat cells.

The reason why a small amount of protein before bed may be beneficial is because your body does most of its recalibrating and rebuilding at night. Unlike glucose, your body cannot synthesize its own protein, which it needs as building blocks for building and maintaining muscle mass. While it may not need sugar that it generates from carbs, your body will most definitely be using that protein.

Green tea is good for you, yes, but it is very high in caffeine and therefore, not exempt from its long-term effects if you consume too much of it. You can easily substitute it for you daily coffee and reap its benefits without overdoing it.

The other downside of too much caffeine? It can actually trick you into feeling hungry when you're really not. Chalk it up to its dehydrating effects.

And yes, I agree, genetics play a big part. Some people just have a faster metabolic rate than others. The key is to know what works for your body and what doesn't.
That's a good point! I never thought of it like that!

Doesn't having protein keep you up at night though?

I didn't know that about gree tea either. Isn't green tea better for you then coffee?

When I think about it, I think chocolate does that to me!

Thanks for all of these tips! Do you have any others? :D
Green tea is exceptionally good for you regardless of any caffeine in it, it will actually make you sweat toxins right out of your body. Green tea has been shown in limited studies that it may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dental cavities, kidney stones, and cancer, while improving bone density and cognitive function. and has been shown to be a factor in reducing cholesterol.

Basically I ain't given up my green tea.
Doesn't having protein keep you up at night though?
I've never heard of protein keeping you up at night. I don't find that to be the case. Source?

I didn't know that about gree tea either. Isn't green tea better for you then coffee?

Heck yes. Green tea is very healthy for you, much more so than coffee. (which is why I said its a good idea to use it as a substitute for coffee). I wasn't aware that I suggested otherwise. The daily recommended intake is 2-3 cups spread throughout the day. I don't see why you would venture to drink anymore than that to reap the full benefits of polyphenols.

When I think about it, I think chocolate does that to me!

Yep. Anything with sugar in it has that effect.

Thanks for all of these tips! Do you have any others? :D

Keep an eye on your added sugar intake. Ideally, you shouldn't be consuming more than 35g of added sugars per day. You'll be surprised how many foods have hidden added sugars.
Trick yourself into thinking you enjoy exercising. Maybe you will find something you actually do like. You people who live in the mountains are so lucky because you can go hiking and skiing. I know there is science behind eating several small meals throughout the day. It also makes it seem like you are eating more when you aren't, so you won't get hungry.
It's official, I break all the rules of exercising and eating healthy lol

It's odd how I'm not as fat as I should be considering all the sugar and carbs I consume. I only eat one meal a day, but drink about 3 energy drinks, 2 bottles of coke and about 3 cups of coffee with more sugar than I'm supposed to.
Eat meals every set amount of hours with pre-planned nutritional contents and amounts.
From what little I've read, extensive sugar and carb intake seems to be a big part of gaining pounds, so cut edges off and see where you get.

Naturally, exercising regularly is good - especially if you don't do it often.
Drink water when feeling hungry, then eat something light (carrots, nuts, fruit) if the feeling doesn't go away within a few minutes.
Keeping a store of healthy snack food to replace the junk food can help a bit as well.

Edit: and motivation, of course. Attitude is everything.
If my double-posting will be forgiven for a moment, I thought this might be relevant. It is...lengthy, but informative if one has time to read it.
@TheDaringHatTrick : I just read that one night when I was looking up how to fall asleep or how to go to bed earlier. What are polyphenols? I know I have more then 35 grams of sugar a day, uh-oh haha.

@grapefruit : Yup, that's why in my opinion it's good to find a sport instead of doing just straight workouts 'cause for me I have more fun when doing a sport.

@AUM : It seems like you're metabolism is just really fast! LUCKY!!!!!!!

[MENTION=4108]Radiant Shadow[/MENTION]: Thanks for the info! And yes, you're double post is forgiven...by me anyway :)
I stay up late, end up drinking a lot of water at once because I wait until I get thirsty, and eat desserts. Sometimes I even have cereal for dinner. Where I live, it's so hot that I don't want to go outside. Radio stations are even having contests where you have to call in and guess when it will be below 100 degrees.
*OCD on losing weight ...seriously, your mind is a powerful thing. Honestly, a couple months before my wedding, I lost 10 lbs. by OCDing(I'm assuming this is for weight loss, I can't think of a another reason to care about your metabolism).

*Upper-y diet pills (at the gas station)

*Eating a carb-y meal after being really good about diet/exercise for a week.

*Green tea drops you can mix in water --you can get @the health food store instead of brewing when you get lazy.

*Lift weights! Helps you boost your metabolism while you sleep...