Exodus International Says God Wants Them to "Cure" Gay People Through iPhones

Also humans live in nature so how is anything humans do not natural?
Agreed, I was trying to say the same things, as we are also animals in nature. I thought the fact that animals of all species do pair in same sex couples illustrated the point well. i.e. how can what happens in nature ever be considered 'unnatural'?
This knowledge I think should change the minds of people who go in for moral and religious arguments concerning so called 'naturalness' and 'morality'. Because if something is 'natural', it can't at the same time be 'immoral'.
I think it's because some Christians think sex that excludes reproduction is immoral. I think it actually says things about that in their holy book but I'm not completely sure.

I also think that the word "natural" doesn't necessarily really mean anything very much to people like this. It's just a convenient word that sounds good and seems to make sense and to have some authority.