Expose the Anti-Trump movement.

How do you feel about this unity of which you speak? I think the opposite. No President in history has ever divided this country to the extent Obama did. While this isn't a thread about Obama, I find it odd anyone thinks of Obama as a unifier.

Physically no, especially as an Independent. However, intellectually he challenged the American people by striving for the greater good of society. And since that doesn't exist, morality has just gotten a lil bit more relative.
Physically no, especially as an Independent. However, intellectually he challenged the American people by striving for the greater good of society. And since that doesn't exist, morality has just gotten a lil bit more relative.
I do not agree with this at all. Thank you for your perception though.
Just as the Democrats ignored the Tea Party protesters and suffered the consequences so will the Republicans, in their current smugness, ignore the concerns of the anti-Trump protesters at their peril. Remember Trump owes his power to people who held their nose and voted him not because they loved him but because they expected him to deliver on jobs. I would suggest he needs to start focusing on the economy instead of the latest twitter war with the next celebrity that criticized him. I would suggest it but I think he incapable of doing this.
@Stu. I'm really glad you've decided my thread is where to post all of your non antitrump stuff you have found. I feel honored.
This thread wouldn't be nearly as full as it is without you @Stu. Thank you for keeping it full of... well the stuff you post.
How can we deny the possibility that the anti trump forces are calling in bomb threats and vandalizing cemeteries, esp when Dur President thinks so?
The anti-Trump forces are going to use Jeff Sessions' lying to the Senate about his contacts with the Russian government during the Presidential campaign to focus the nation's attention on the many many contacts that the Trump campaign had with the Russian government during the Presidential campaign.
(Lying to a Senate Committee is considered Contempt of Congress and is punishable by imprisonment and or fines)

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In his Talking Points Memo on Thursday, Bill O'Reilly said Democrats who were calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself or resign his post are being hypocritical, citing their collective silence when an attorney general in their own party faced controversy.

"Not one single Democrat in Congress called for then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch to recuse herself from the Hillary Clinton investigation, after she met with Bill Clinton at a Phoenix airport," O'Reilly said.

Yep. One thing we can call Democrats and be 100% right every time is hypocritical.
Bill Clinton is a Ruskie? Dang
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Edward “Ned” Price, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst who said he resigned last week because of President Donald Trump’s “disturbing” actions and that his “decision had nothing to do with politics,” donated thousands of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign.
“To be clear, my decision had nothing to do with politics, and I would have been proud to again work under a Republican administration open to intelligence analysis,” Price wrote in an op-ed he penned for the Washington Post Monday. He added, “As intelligence professionals, we’re taught to tune out politics” and noted that “Despite working proudly for Republican and Democratic presidents, I reluctantly concluded that I cannot in good faith serve this administration as an intelligence professional.”

Price suggested his decision emanated from President Trump’s “disturbing” actions.

However, public records indicate Price has been listed as a registered Democrat in D.C. since 2008. Further, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show that Price donated thousands of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

These records indicate that on August 21, 2016, he made two donations to Clinton’s campaign. Price donated $2,300 to the DNC’s Hillary Victory Fund and another $2,700 to Hillary For America.

According to NPR, “The Hillary Victory Fund is a joint fundraising committee for Hillary for America, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic committees of 32 states and Puerto Rico.”

However, Price’s deep ties to the Democratic Party reach back over 15 years. According to his LinkedIn profile, Price campaigned for Dallas’s former Democratic Mayor Ron Kirk in his unsuccessful bid for the Senate in 2002. Kirk lost to then-Texas Attorney General, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).

Then, in November 2013, Price contributed $250 to Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulton in his bid for Congress, according to FEC records.

In his op-ed, Price also attempted to echo rhetoric from the left alleging Trump’s chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon was “a media champion of white nationalism.” Those false smears have repeatedly been discredited by individuals from all over the political spectrum.

- Adelle Nazarian
Obama moles are unleashing a Deep State coupe using the fake threat of Russian Thuggery.

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It's the spread of b.s. like this that's dangerous. Someone suggesting the President is targeting people. THAT is treason. There's no evidence...just someone saying they heard something. This is dangerous stuff and I think any intelligent person would not only see that but work to keep people from jumping to conclusions.
Highly disturbing this.
Like this guy's claim that his right as a US Citizen to travel to our BFF was questioned for political purposes.
